It was early in the morning. They sat outside their cave, as they did most mornings, before going hunting and gathering.
"How would you describe that big orange ball?" asked Gok, as he often did.
"That is what gives us day." replied Ugg. "That makes our hunting and gathering possible. Some ignorant people call it 'the sun' but that is God!"
"God?" queried Gok.
"Yes, God." answered Ugg. "The sun, as people like to call it, is all powerful and knowledgeable. That orange ball, that you see up there, knows everything and created everything, including us. We must show adoration. We must worship the sun!"
* * *
Someone named
The Robert with an itchy toe left this comment on my last post.
"If mankind made up God then who made up mankind?"
As he has searched for answers about how it all came to be, man has made up many gods. Here are a few: The Sun God, Brahma, Achelous, Apollo, Rama, Vishnu, Aker, Amun, Mars, Coeus, The Holy Trinity (three entities making up one god).
The list goes on and on.
It is quite obvious that someone made all or, at least, most of these gods (and other ones) up. I added the word 'most' because many people will argue that their god is the one true god. They'll have reasons for saying that. It seems that only one group of people can be right. No one seems to like the idea that there are a whole pile of gods. I guess that 'a whole pile of gods' sort of defeats the point.
Could this be the one true god? Possibly. |
This god seems to have slid down the popularity stakes since we've learnt more about our solar system. |
So, let's look at Mr. Itchy Toe's comment again.
"If mankind made up God then who made up mankind?"
Maybe it should have read, "As mankind made up many gods, which one is the right one and did he, she or it make up mankind?"
Think back to the sun. Mankind actually found out enough about the sun to know that it isn't a god.
To say, "I don't know who made mankind, so it must be the one true god." really is jumping to conclusions.
Some might say, "The Universe is God."
This is probably more logical than giving all the credit to some guy from the Middle East (or whatever it's called). It's pretty safe to say that The Universe didn't write the Bible so we don't really know what The Universe's rules are for us, though we can use common sense. For example, looking after our planet sounds like a good idea. Being kind to other people is probably better than dropping bombs on them.
I don't really see the god that Catholics follow showing a lot of compassion. I know that a lot of their clergy missed the point about compassion too.
It's really a bit of a 'wait and see' situation at the moment.
- Will those suicide bombers get their 70 celestial virgins?
- Will there be a place called Heaven that is full of Catholics, including Mr. Linford?
- Are some people doomed to burn for eternity?
- Are the Muslims the ones who got it right?
- Is there really a god who looks like an elephant?
- Do angels exist and really have no genitals?
- Did Brother Benedict make it into Heaven?
- Did Adam and Eve really have belly buttons and start the human race off?
- How did all the different types of animals survive on the ark?
Good luck with finding all that out.
Ciao tutti.