the original bass bagging site
Ciao tutti.
Numb n ........ no, I won't stoop to your level.
Of course you can't because the level at Richard's Bass Bag* is far to high for the old Curmudgeons Ink to ever reach.* the original bass bagging site
STOOPverblower one's moral standards so far as to do something reprehensible.
Mi ne frega una sega. Testa di cazzo.
A bit rude.
Thanks Mr Google Translate for your reply.
I don't know what you were wittering about in that Arabic you were speaking, I just assumed that 'cazzo' sounded rude.
I guess that's why you made it into 3P.
Though, in 3G we learnt how to look these things up.
The only things you looked up when at school were schoolgirls' skirts.So I've been told.
I prefer to see it as biological study.
Remember that I was five at the time.
Mother, the boys are fighting.
Have you finished that bass practicing yet?
practising - the verb
Aren't you off duty?
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16 commenti:
Numb n ........ no, I won't stoop to your level.
Of course you can't because the level at Richard's Bass Bag* is far to high for the old Curmudgeons Ink to ever reach.
* the original bass bagging site
lower one's moral standards so far as to do something reprehensible.
Mi ne frega una sega. Testa di cazzo.
A bit rude.
Thanks Mr Google Translate for your reply.
I don't know what you were wittering about in that Arabic you were speaking, I just assumed that 'cazzo' sounded rude.
I guess that's why you made it into 3P.
Though, in 3G we learnt how to look these things up.
The only things you looked up when at school were schoolgirls' skirts.
So I've been told.
I prefer to see it as biological study.
Remember that I was five at the time.
Mother, the boys are fighting.
Have you finished that bass practicing yet?
practising - the verb
Aren't you off duty?
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