martedì 9 agosto 2022

I take tuning seriously.

 I was just reading The Curmudgeon's latest post.

He has a bit of a moan, which is all good - remember that the old guy is 70!

But then, to finish off, he has a go at me and musicians!

That's not two of the Beatles in the picture.

"Stay tuned." he says!

Why is TC picking on musicians?
I know he once played the bagpipes (and what a racket that probably was for the neighbours) but that put down of musicians came out of the blue.


Personally, I keep all the instruments in my house in tune; especially my number one violin and my double bass. Let TC ring any time and check. I challenge him!
The Curmudgeon: he who made a joke recently about my five violin strings (there are four). I bet he doesn't even know what his clothes dryer is tuned to! 

It is going to be a long road now that he's 70. I might start calling him grandad.

Ciao tutti.
Addio nonno. (That's 'bye grandad' in Italian)

4 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I notice that no-one has commented - if in fact anyone else read this post at all.
I felt sorry for you so here - take this comment, at least it gets you on the board.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Hey, two comments now!

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

I would but I just worry about the "Hail Mary, full of Grace" line. What were those two women up to?

Bob ha detto...

They were both pregnant!