giovedì 6 ottobre 2022

Snow business like snow business.

 It snowed in Nuova Lazio overnight and hill road was closed because of ice.

This made me think of a pink three dimensional triangle.

Well, it made a break from imagining snow, which is what most people would do.

Then I thought about my bass.

The bass is an instrument that gives us a lot of cause for discussion.

Should I stand up to play or sit down? Should I use a German or French bow? There is really no correct answer to these questions. At present I choose to sit down and play, and my weapon of choice is the German bow. I began my bass playing life standing up and using a French bow. I played French for many years and only changed bows because my right hand first finger was showing some wear and tear. I've spent most of my playing life standing but have recently discovered a few little advantages I get when I sit. It gives a tiny bit of extra freedom to my hands. If sitting, while playing the bass, was banned by the government, I could easily live with that. However, I intend to do a lot of my playing sitting, unless that ban is enforced.

The snow is slowly melting but there's talk of more coming. Shelley and I are supposed to be taking a friend of hers out to lunch in Wellington. Obviously, that will involve driving (carefully) over the hill. Much earlier in the morning there were reports of cars sliding around but we should be okay if I take it very slowly.

The Curmudgeon is playing golf today.

The officials at the club insist that he wears a helmet these days because they've seen him climbing up and down banks to retrieve golf balls. My mother would have said, "He's a bloody old nuisance."

Well, that's it from me for this morning. Bass practice awaits.

Ciao tutti.

4 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

If you're going to do all that sitting then the's a solution for you in this old post of mine:

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

"the's a solution..."?

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Oh well, it gives you something to moan about and your housemates a break from all that double bass practising.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Yes, thanks.