mercoledì 6 dicembre 2023

Peter, Peter, where are you?

 Unless he misses his flight, he'll be home tomorrow and wearing his usual outfit - shorts, a t-shirt, a hat, shoes and socks.

One of his first tasks, on returning home, will be to write a blog post about our [Richard (of RBB) & Peter's] afternoon together in Wellington.

I'm going to get in first and tell you the truth.

I rang Peter a little while back and we agreed to meet at a particular place in Tory St., Wellington. I told him I'd be there before 1pm.
I got up early and headed to Upper Hutt to do my morning teaching job. Then I dropped my violin off at home and headed towards Wellington. I normally park near Cuba St., but I decided to try for a park in Tory St., as that would save me a long walk. I was very lucky because I found a park right near our agreed meeting place. I put in lots of money so that I could park there a long time - we planned to go somewhere for lunch. I phoned Peter to tell him that I had arrived.
"I'm at Waterloo station waiting for a train. I love riding on trains." he told me.
[Waterloo station is near the city of Lower Hutt - quite a long way from Tory Street or from Wellington, for that matter.]
It had been a hot ride into Wellington, and I certainly didn't need more time weaving through busy traffic, but I agreed to pick him up from Wellington station. It took me a while, but I finally found a park near the station. It appears that the old chap had totally forgotten all about our telephone conversation. I guess that's old age for you. I feel lucky that I'm an awful lot younger.

After a while I spotted Peter walking through the station, but I decided to give him a bit of his own medicine. I stood out of sight and rang him on my mobile. I told him that I couldn't find him. As he stuttered and looked a bit panicked, I described to him what he was wearing. I could see him looking every which way, but this time the 3P boy had been outsmarted by a 3G boy!

I drove him out of the city, which he'd seen enough of, to Lyall Bay where we found an eating place.
To my surprise he ordered a Cleanskin chardonnay!

I ordered a nice Hawke's Bay chardonnay. We ate some cheesecake, which was very nice, and then I took him back to Tory St. We took the route around the bays.

It was actually special to see him, and I give him permission to write an inaccurate reply to this post, which I'm sure he will.

Sleep well TC, you have a very early morning ahead of you!

7 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Yes, thanks for that but it’s a good thing that I’ll be home tomorrow to post the truth about the New Richard’s Bass Bag Tours.

Anonimo ha detto...


Richard (of RBB)

Robert Sees Things in Sky ha detto...

Ha ha. I like the joke you played on him at the railway station.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

It was just his normal behaviour. Like you he’s adept at lurking and spying on people.

Anonimo ha detto...

Do they use sour grapes in wine?

Richard (of RBB)

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Coming soon - "The Grapes of Sloth" - an expose of sightseeing tour operators in Wellington.

Go over to The Curmudgeon to hear all about it (tomorrow).

Anonimo ha detto...

And is the pope a Catholic?

Phillip Edward Nis