sabato 11 gennaio 2025

Let's take a look at god.


This is supposedly an image of god that some fairly well known / respected artist painted.
Come on! A perfect being who has been there forever would not be bald! Also, he wouldn't age.

Imagine eternity. Okay, okay, you can't really.

So, somewhere into living for eternity, maybe 2,300,634 trillion years into it, god decides that he needs a hobby - someone to love. Is he bored? Somewhere along the line he finished up with a son. Has the son been there for eternity? Did god not need a mother? These are hard questions to answer.

Anyway, god knocks out a pile of planets. Then he makes a man (Adam) who turns out to be a bit of a letdown. He makes him a woman (Eve) and tells him to bonk away. 

He gives them both belly buttons, probably so that their offspring won't ask awkward questions. 
Adam originally asks for the most beautiful woman that god can think up. God tells him that will cost an arm and a leg. Adam settles for what he can get for a rib.

Eve leads Adam astray (helped by a talking snake*) and god is very displeased.

"Hi. What's going on here?"

God wants to punish everyone, including 'humans' who aren't even conceived yet. He makes a big deal about it. Then, in his own mind, he can't sort out how to make it all right. Then he has an idea. He'll send this part of himself, who he refers to as a son, to go down and live among the humans. Then this 'son' will be brutally killed and that will get all the other humans back in line to coming home to live at his place. God tells the angels to start building lots of hotels.

God, who is perfect and knows everything, couldn't think of an easier, and less blood thirsty, solution.

Here are some solutions that didn't seem to cross god's mind:

  • Hey, compared to eternity, it's not such a big deal. It was me who decided to make these humans. This is all happening in limited time. Let's just make a few minor patch ups.
  • Oops. Adam needs a bit of work. Let's send him out to be with Eve and let's try again with Brent.
  • Maybe I need a bigger base to work from. Ha, ha, I hear you, I'm not talking about a double bass! Let's set up twenty guys with twenty women. That'll give more diversity and probably negate the need for the snake to get involved.
Okay, if nothing else, you have to admit that, to get humans back on track, murdering your 'son' did not set a very good example. There must have been an easier and a gentler way.

Leave a comment if you can think of any ways to help god out.

Ciao tutti.

* Sometimes, when things aren't going that well, the last thing you need is a talking snake.

5 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Yeah. This confusing mess makes James Joyce's 'Finnegan's Wake' appear like a Jackie Collins novel.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Oops! That might come across as being rude.
Sorry about that.

Anonimo ha detto...

Another version might be:
God is perfectly happy but out of love decides to make a 'Creation' to share his happiness. This creation consists of many marvels but one stands out...mankind. He has given mankind an important extra.... an eternal soul. This soul lets mankind experience Him (as both are Spirit).
Mankind however thinks he doesn't need God, having this soul that has many of God's capabilities, so decides to go it alone without God. Of course this is rather silly as he still needs God 24/7 to keep the universe in balance. What mankind didn't think off also is that he is totally dependant on 'grace' from God to function properly and be happy. So without this grace all sorts of things start to go wrong. Mostly mankind finds himself wanting to be selfish and nasty and also drinks a bit too much.
God now has a big problem. He doesn't really want all these unholy and boring drunks living with Him, so he has to find some way to restore the grace so they behave like civilized nice people, the way he intended. God does like a nice balance in his creation however so he can't just snap his spiritual fingers and put everything right. Somebody has to pay to balance the accounts. He decides to pay Himself, like any good dad might. He does this at great expense and mankind can receive grace again and be happy in the way He knew was best. But not quite 'end of story', because many still didn't want this happiness or when they got it squandered it and turned back to being boring drunks. So God had to say "Look sorry guys, you boring drunks will have to go somewhere else, I don't want you here with me". Hence they chose not to be with God, forgetting that they were dependant on God for so much, and found themselves all alone and very sad.

Anonimo ha detto...

Oh dear. Give me a Jackie Collin’s novel written in a Finnegan’s Wake style any day.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Wasn't Jackie a drunk?