domenica 23 febbraio 2025

What am I going to write?

Coffee Song

When I get up in the morning

I don't really want toffee.

When I get up in the morning

I prefer a cup of coffee.

With milk, please.

It looks like it's going to be a nice day in Y-new-E-O-martyr. Probably will be in Mow-error too. I don't really know about Wrong-a-way. If it's okay up there, Peter could take his trailer to the tip. After he has been to mass, of course. I think it's Robert's turn to be on duty in the church shop.

I won't be playing double bass in the church band this morning. They have a guy who plays bass guitar with a capo.

Looks like a bird to me.

Maybe Catholics like that capo because it looks like the Holy Spirit?

Talking about capos, it sounds like Rob had a good time on Capo-tea island. He saw quite a few birds and climbed a very big hill.

Hey, it has just come across cloudy!

What caused that? Was it one of my jokes? Did I upset the Holey Spare-writ?

I was looking after my grandson last Thursday. He was sitting on the arm of a couch and fell off onto the couch. I said, "Ouch!" He thought it was the funniest word he'd ever heard. He repeated the word and got back onto the arm of the couch. He then proceeded to 'fall off' about forty times and I had to say, "Ouch!" each time. He laughed and laughed and laughed. Later in the day he started throwing a cushion and made me say, "Ouch!" each time it hit the ground. I've never seen anyone laugh so much. So please don't tell me that my jokes are not funny.

I guess I'd better get some music practice done. I've been a bit slack lately - I only have one gig on the horizon. Yesterday I thought that I'd better get back into working on Paganini's Caprice No 24. When I get bits (variations) of that sorted, I don't feel it matters whether I get gigs or not. As a bassist once said, "Funk is its own reward." It's true for me with that Caprice. I've got the tune and the first three variations down, so that leaves 8 variations to go, though I have already worked on a few of them. My goal is to get it completed within 100 hours, so there is quite a bit of work still to go. I record the 'serious' time I put in on it and, so far, I've done 23 hours. I don't count the times when I'm just playing bits for fun, or when I'm warming up.

All the alarms (3) on our walls have new batteries and the old one has been replaced.

I read up on how they work. The reason why ours were making little beeps was because their batteries were low, or flat. Also, if they're working properly, the red light flashes every 45 seconds. It's quite funny when you're watching the red light and waiting to see if an alarm is working properly. You don't know how much of the 45 seconds has been used up and it seems to feel like you're waiting forever, especially if you're checking on all three alarms. It feels quite hypnotic while you are waiting.

Well, that's it for this morning. I hope you enjoyed the coffee song at the start of the post.

Ciao tutti.

8 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Well, at least your two year old readers might have enjoyed that post.
Got to go - I’ve got to watch some paint dry.


Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Well, at least you can see the drying paint now.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

All that effort to get your eyes fixed and all you're doing with them is watching paint dry. At Y-new-E Hi they'd say, "You're sad mista!"

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I'm still practising with my new eyes.
Long distance is perfect but reading distance requires using reading glasses.
This is a hassle as I need to have a pair handy at all times. I guess that you know this.
Fortunately low strength (2.00) reading glasses are cheap at $10 a pair from the supermarket so I can have one pair in the car, one at the computer desk and one for wearing around my neck or keeping in a pocket.
Lynn gave me her spare sunglasses that have reading glass panels built into the lenses so I'll have to get used to these when walking, golfing or playing tennis.
Who said that there's nothing new under the sun?

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Saying that though, I'm not allowed to play golf or tennis, go swimming or do any outside work involving dust or dirt for a few weeks so am pretty much stuck inside. I did go for a bush track walk early this morning though. The weather has been marvellous.

Rob ha detto...

I was going to say something but after reading TC's post/comments I've forgotten. Lets see ...So what was RBB posting about...a coffee song, then came Cupi-tea, Harrison George and 'ouch', one gig that doesn't matter because a drummer said something, base capos at church and Paganini Caprice 24.
Nope cant remember sorry.

Anonimo ha detto...

I think of Rob, and in the far distance I hear a cough.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Yes, communing with beautiful nature doesn't suit him,. He'd have been better off in church.