martedì 25 febbraio 2025

ZYY says, "Xyyy Zz xyx zzzz." (Translation: "I have things to tell you.")


"I will talk in your language because my language is too complicated for you. When we decided to talk to the people on this planet, it became obvious to us that our language is far too 'inaccessible' for your smaller than average brains. We borrowed three letters from your alphabet in an attempt to make our language accessible. Unfortunately, you can't understand the inflections, dynamics, and other subtle tones that we use in what you might think is a simple language that only needs three alphabetic letters. Believe me, if you saw how it is written down in our 'society', you would be flabbergasted. For example, the word yZZy, using different 'presentations', can mean 'happy', 'dark', 'superstitious', 'spider', 'god', 'sunset', or 'macrobiotic', to name a few definitions.

Your people seem very good at inventing gods, and a lot of you seem sure that their 'god' is the only correct one - the one who must have made the universe.

Let me correct you all. YOU ARE WRONG.

Or, as we say, "xxY zx xxz!"

I, and my zzYYxx, created the Universe. I'll explain 'zzYYxx' some other time.

Let me just finish by saying that I AM YOUR CREATOR.

Don't worry, unlike all your 'gods', I will provide proof.

However, there is quite a lot of information I will need to give you first.

Thank you to RBB for opening windows so that the truth can ease its way in. Soon you will all understand. Well, some of you may.

Xyxy ZZZxzy xx."

3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

I was going to do a TC imitation and use the word 'Sparky' but, in reality, I found this post quite interesting.

Anonimo ha detto...

The Curmudgeon
Hey, and I thought this was a good post. I look forward to reading more, when it arrives.

Anonimo ha detto...

The Curmudgeon
Good job you didn't Sparky!