sabato 1 marzo 2025

Good morning again.

 I accidently published today's post before I had finished.

"Oh no!" as my grandson, who doesn't need to be told bullshit about hell, would say.

Sorry but I haven't updated you about my music practice.

I generally don't get to practise on Thursdays because I mind my grandson and, counting travel time, that takes ten hours out of my day. But, hey, it is worth it to spend time with the little fellow and watch his weekly development. Also, he really likes my jokes and he doesn't mind if I write RBb instead of RBB. Yesterday I was a bit tired but I did a good hour on the violin, with the help of a couple of Cleanskins.

Today I must give some time to my double bass. 

I'll get into it shortly.* Always remember to start with some long bows. Though I'm sure that Peter knows that.

Okay, that's enough for today.

Ciao tutti.

an old photo

* I don't mean that I'll actually get inside the bass! (That's the sort of joke that they like way up north.)

3 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

"It puts its head through the bow. This allows it to conduct a sawing motion with the strings across the windpipe. Gentle yet sustained pressure will soon bring relief for all".*

* With apologies to Thomas Harris.

Anonimo ha detto...

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


* Who won't be taking up the job offer at The Curmudgeons Ink.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Thank you.