venerdì 20 gennaio 2023

Meanwhile, back at the blog...

Welcome back readers.

It was great to see so many positive reviews of our recent series 'BASSMAN' with many fans calling out for a sequel.

At Richard's Bass Bag* we're enjoying the little bit of quiet that comes at the end of a successful series. It's great to see that the actor who played Wrong Carta in the BASSMAN series has been nominated for a Golden Blog award.

BASSMAN is also in the running to take out BEST BLOG SERIES at these awards and Richard (of RBB) is expected to take out BEST FICTION WRITER. Well done to everyone who took part in the series.

I'm thinking of tidying up my shed today. I smile as I say that because that's the sort of thing The Curmudgeon would write a blog about and why he's not mentioned anywhere in the Golden Blogs list.

The Curmudgeon

He tells me that he's coming down to Wellington next week. As usual I expect that he'll be hitting me up for some blog writing tips. Actually, I have got a bit of a storyline for him. It goes like this...


Pedro is a keen golfer who likes to play but cannot afford golf balls so he sets out to make his own. His main rival on the golf course is Colfie, actually played by the actor who played Wrong Carta in BASSMAN.

Colfie practises pretty hard and basses his playing style on his favourite golfer Baganini, a golfer who was famous for the whitty comments he had on his golf bag. Here are a few favourites...

  • This is where I keep my balls.
  • You broke your five iron in half? Join the club.
  • Any golf set is only as good as its putter.
Colfie designs a ball that travels exceptionally long distances. Pedro discovers where they tend to land and starts using them, but he writes his name on them. They play a round of golf together and Colfie notices that Pedro is not using his usual square balls.

Colfie says to Pedro, "See you round." and walks off.

TC will have to develop the story from here.

Ciao tutti.

* the original bass bagging site

9 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Congratulations on the award.
I wish I was there to slap - sorry - to pat you on the back.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Oh, and best wishes for the shed clearing. Some photographs will be appreciated.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

The shed tidy has been postponed.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...


Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Yes, I have a pair of slacks but I prefer wearing my outdoor work pants.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Wit's alive and well in Wainuiomata then?*

* You know the rest.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

This blog certainly wasn't in the awards running for frequency - that's for damned sure.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

It's just as well that I keep my blog up to date - that's all I'm saying.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Actually, it’s not all I’m saying.
Are you two away on a religious retreat or something?