mercoledì 8 febbraio 2023

Here's a little test.

Okay, here's a little test for you.
Let's pretend that there is a Heaven. Many souls are trying to get in. They are sorted into 26 groups, with a letter of the alphabet assigned to each group. Each group is assigned a different letter. Which group probably has the least chance of getting in?

15 commenti:

Robert Sees Things in Sky ha detto...

Mmmm... a brain teaser!
I guess that since you say that they have been sorted and not randomly divided, and since it is normal to rank from A to Z where A has most and Z least; it would be either A or Z depending on whether the criterion was a vice or a virtue!

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

The answer is 'R Souls'.

How difficult was that?

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...


Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Why the capitals? Out of the office again?

Robert Sees Things in Sky ha detto...

I don't get it. Do mean Richard and Robert Souls?

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

He’s just being scatological again.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

That new post that's pending must be a doozy since it's taking a long time.

Robert Sees Things in Sky ha detto...

I hope it's not that guy that pokes nurses in the eye again.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Jesus, in his time on Earth*, would have had to let off a few farts.

* aka Jasper

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Well, I'm sure that, being almighty and all that he'd have had some pretty good ones in his arsenal (see what I did there?). Maybe that's how he self-propelled himself up into heaven. I must ask Robert - he seems to know about these things.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Here's a little test:

See if you can write a new post. It's not very difficult - even Robert can do it. If you are stuck for ideas then cutting and pasting from the internet can be your friend. Images take up space as well. Good luck.

Robert Sees Things in Sky ha detto...

Interestingly Jesus never had to bath like His mother Mary didn't also. And He wore just one seamless robe woven when a child by the Blessed Virgin made of course wool! It grew with Him and that is the one mentioned in the Bible which the Roman's cast dice for because it was seamless and could not be divided!

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...


THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Maybe that explains this gospel quotation attributable to Jesus:

"I am unwashed, natural and smelly. No one comes to the Father except through me. Sorry about that but I say to you, suck it up and hold your nose so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he also forgoes personal hygiene, makes his B.O. emanate on the evil and on the good, and now and again involuntarily pees on the just and on the unjust."

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

I think it's time I wrote a post.