[repetitive music leads the 'Robert' chorus out onto the stage]
Robert Chorus:
We're interested in stopping sin
To protect our nation.
We'll fight for any portion
Of no abortion,
Better to enter heaven maimed or minus a limb than
Spend eternity in damnation.
Better to enter heaven maimed or minus a limb than
Spend eternity in damnation.
[the chorus goes off stage right and Peter enters wearing a funny cardigan from the left]
Peter sings:
I thought old age would be easy but
Now it's getting hard again,
I dressed my best, I did my best,
But Lynn didn't like my cardigan!
I dressed my best, wore a fancy vest,
But Lynn didn't like my cardigan.
[the Robert chorus re-enters singing]
Empty bin; look!
No foetus thrown in!
Go have fun boys, but
Just don't sin!
We hear that Lynn's not happy,
Peter should send her a card again,
Write a loving message,
Just don't wear that cardigan!
We love you Peter,
Hey, take a break.
We love you Peter,
For Pete's sake!
[the curtain comes down to rapturous applause]
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Peter is so pleased with his performance that he bites his lip. He'll try to sell the cardigan. |
12 commenti:
Very good.
I hope Peter's lip is okay!
Phillip Edward Nis
Me The The too! The The Take The The care The The old mate The The The The.
The The The Guy
I didn't realize that you two were old friends, The The The Guy.
Phillip Edward Nis
Yes, The The We go The The way back The The to 1966 The The when I nearly made The The 3P. The The We played The The in the The The same The The soccer The The team together The The.
The The The Guy
Oh, really? I didn't know that. What was Peter's handicap to be allowed to play soccer?
Phillip Edward Nis
The The He tried The The to The The play the The The bagpipes.
The The The Guy
Oh. Hey, did Robert just leave a comment?
Phillip Edward Nis
I The The don't The The think so The The The The.
The The The Guy
New post coming up.
Only on Richard's Bass Bag*.
* the original bass bagging site
I laughed.
Maybe it'll arrive before the second coming of Robert's Christ.
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