domenica 6 ottobre 2024

The post where I talk shit.

 Ah, what a great win for the All Blacks last night! Father mentioned it at Mass. Robert looked tired. He'd done the all-night shift at the church shop. 

They're selling hamburgers now. They have a cross on them, just like hot cross buns. The church has built a drive through at the back end of the church shop. The drive through is proving more popular than Mass.

Obviously they come with fries.

I noticed that Father had sticky fingers when he gave out hosts at Communion.

Peter had driven all the way down from Whangarei - he was probably attracted by the availability of hamburgers. 

He's smoking a pipe these days.

Before Mass he was standing outside by some silver pipes.

I said to him, "You look good with a pipe."

He replied, "You should say 'pipes'. There are nine of them."

He has always been one for detail. Actually, Peter certainly cracks some mighty good jokes. 

Okay, okay, I know, I'm pushing reality a bit too hard there!

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing much wrong with Peter's jokes. They're just not funny. 

After Mass Robert went to confession for the first time in about five years. Peter and I sat in the church while Peter ate a hamburger. You could hear the priest calling out in shock.

"You did what? I do not believe you! This is disgusting! You should be ashamed of yourself!"

After finishing his hamburger, Peter made use of a long drop that was behind the church. His interesting noises drowned out the priest's exclamations in the confessional box. Then he said he was driving home so that he could post on Neighbourhood Chat. Evidently the other people on the chat site love his comments and his fairly quick humour. 

Well, I'll leave it there for today.

Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday.

Chow tooty.

5 commenti:

Rob ha detto...

Robert chuckles.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

That post title could be reused for all of your posts and save you typing time.

Rob ha detto...

Actually you are right that the Church shop is a bit sad. Some expensive rosary needs, some cheap medals and a lot of booklets no one is interested in. Today a family group thought I was the help/information desk. When I suggested they talk to the priest he asked if I was Catholic. Hmmph!

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I would have liked to be manning the shop. I’d have confirmed that it was the help/information desk and would have put them straight on any questions they had.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Maybe you need to jazz the church shop up a bit. Richard has already suggested installing a condom machine but I suggest the addition of a magazine rack with some trendy lifestyle publications, a vape section that can be expanded when this current government allows vaping tobacco, a wine section with bottles with labels preferably featuring Jesus, a novelty section where funny’s things like false beards, fart cushions, itching powder, stink bombs and plastic dog turds can be sold to amuse the kids and altar boys who would otherwise be bored. Oh, and a communion host section. I discovered years ago that these are popular, particularly the big priest’s ones.