sabato 22 ottobre 2022

What is Baxter going to do next?

All over the land people are becoming glued to their computers for the next Baxter episode!

Him: So darling, what are you watching?
Her: It's the new Baxter series on Richard's Bass Bag*!
It's amazing!
Him: Let's forget about that cuddle. Let's watch it now!

Everyone is asking, "How will Baxter go in local politics? Will he need to cut a few things up with his sword?"

This weekend people are waiting for answers!

Well, you'll have to wait and see.

Baxter is proudly brought to you, in conjunction with Richard's Bass Bag*, by the 

Moderno 3.5L Air Fryer!

Chips? No problemo!

* the original bass bagging site

2 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I was wrong about the gym equipment and air fryer advertisements, you should put in coffee ads and ‘no doze’ medication ads.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Did you notice the bad Italian for, "Non è un problema."?
Those chip machine people have a lot to answer for.