Okay, someone would be filling up the vending machine, after a busy weekend, but, apart from a few lost souls sitting in the church, things would be pretty quiet.
For that ever happy soul Father Patrick it could be a chance to get in a bit of extra praying but, no, he was cooking up bacon and eggs in the presbytery kitchen. This really put old Mrs. Harvey's nose out of joint because it was her kitchen, her special sanctuary. When her chores were done, she liked to sit quietly in there with a cuppa and a biscuit. The last thing she needed was this hyper priest dancing around and leaving a big mess.
Peter was out of bed and sat drinking a coffee. The weather wasn't bad but, as sometimes happened, his mind went back to the great Whangarei storm and the damage it had caused.
This was something he still struggled to get past. He let his mind drift over to blogging. He needed a topic for today. He decided to take a look at Richard's Bass Bag*. That often gave him good ideas. How he wished he had the talent to write posts like he read over there! He wondered why those skills weren't encouraged in 3P.
* * *
Richard (of RBB) sat at his computer. He wasn't needed at Nuova Lazio High School today. That meant that housework and practice would get done. He also had a pumpkin to cut up. It would be a busy day.
* the original bass bagging site
11 commenti:
I think that Robert probably watches and listens to Andrew Tate.
Who is he?
The arsehole that most male teenagers are being influenced by. He has attitudes to women (a man owns his wife etc) not unlike those that Robert holds.
Oh yes, I looked him up. Rob is not in that class.
Anyway, I changed my violin strings today.
Just to put things in perspective, Rob is a very caring guy. He has a very good heart.
I agree that Robert is caring but, you must admit, that over the last 14 years of blogging, Robert has made many misogynistic statements about women and their role in society.
Tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare.
Mou eheis kanei ti zoe patini.
Congratulations on your pay rise.
Cleanskins will now be a thing of the past?
I just realised that the pay increase was for Primary schoolteachers. Sorry about that. Here's a link to some cheap cleanskin wines: https://www.winenetwork.co.nz/wine?cleanskin=1
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