P ....q r s t u v ...........................W
E ....d c b ........................................A
T ....u v w x ..................................Y
E ....f g h i j k l m ......................N
R ....q p o n m l k j i h g f ....E
Yes, we learnt French in 3G in 1966. We were taught by Father Cosgriff. He was a nice chap but a lot of the students gave him a hard time. Having been a teacher for many years and struggling with some classes, I can relate to that. Father Cosgriff's main teaching subject was English, and I suspect that he was as new to French as we students were. Never mind, he did his best. I still remember quite a bit of French. "Le professeur est dans la salle de classe." That's a phrase that always pops into my head when I think of the French language. It's not a very useful phrase if you suddenly find yourself in France.
Here are some much more useful phrases:
Je ne parle pas vraiment français.Ok, je vais boire de l'eau.
Avez-vous un Cleanskin?
Son nom de famille est Kerr.
11 commenti:
Aller se faire cuire un œuf!
L'hai imparato in 3P?
La mère des imbiciles est toujours enceinte!
Yeah, you bang on about that when wearing your Italian hat and it’s tedious then.
By the way that comment above was from me.
Whaaaat!? Noooooo!
Nimue The Blood Queen
With Richard it’s just as likely to be a geographical theme so Welsh will suffice.
Two Irishmen are out walking and they see a sign that reads, "Tree fellers wanted."
Read all about it in my latest post - coming soon.
Thanks for the warning.
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