This is my first meal since around 1pm yesterday. There was a colonoscopy in between. The pie and the sauce both come from a local shop. I cooked the pie from frozen and it's not too bad. The sauce is nice too.
Peter has written a new post. It's about him fixing his washing machine. Hey, before you get cynical, Rob has built a big scary woman and written a book about her. Well, his post is long enough to be a book.
God has punished Rob by sending him to the dentist and by making people not be able to leave comments on his blog posts.
I spent at least six hours at Hutt Hospital today, after getting up at 5am to drink stuff that makes you shit water for hours. So I'm a bit tired. Remember that God has not forbidden comments on my and Peter's blogs, so don't be afraid to leave a few thoughts.
Have fun.
Ciao tutti.
10 commenti:
If I was one of Robert's neighbours I'd be worried about that disturbing looking monstrosity in his garden.
It reminds me of the Tom Waits song "What's He Building In There?'
Glad to see that you're through the colonoscopy and eating although, after that procedure I'm not convinced that a meat pie with plum sauce is the best choice. Maybe you ate it while blindfolded.
But then I wouldn't have known what it was. It was certainly better than that stuff i had to drink last night and this morning.
I note that as RBB you've slimmed down since your previous missives.
God is merciful and the receptionist rang to say the dentist is sick so it's postponed for a month.
God be praised!
Forget the socks you must have found God up there.
Evidently they did find one sock too.
The other one could still be a bit of a problem.
Any results yet (other than socks that is)?
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