domenica 12 novembre 2023

Let's talk jazz.

 Richard (of RBB): Happy Sunday.

I've invited some bloggers into the studio this morning to talk about jazz, we also have a live feed to Scotland so that we can include TSB. We're meeting early this morning because Robert needs to get to mass.

TSB, via live feed: Well, I'll chip in and get my bit done first because it is approaching bedtime over here. Some Jazz I like, most I don't. I do think Dave Brubeck was a genius, and I love to listen to his "Take Five".

Richard (of RBB): Thanks for dropping in TSB. You can go and listen to Dave now. Or maybe you're more in the mood for bagpipes this evening? In the studio we have Robert and Peter.

Robert: Hi, this will be a good post to count the number of times each name appears.

Peter: The Old Girl listens to a lot of jazz. Some of it I like and some of it I don't. Do you know that I have two Ornette Coleman CDs?

Richard (of RBB): Yes, you've already told us that.

Robert: I'm quite interested in that Coltrane thing where he puts all the music notes in a circle. He used that principle on Big Steps.

Richard (of RBB): I think you're talking about Giant Steps.

Peter: I certainly wouldn't say that I'm that keen on Ornette Coleman.

Richard (of RBB): I remember once that my youngest sibling and I were playing some jazz and my mother said that jazz sounded like you'd lost your place. An Irish friend told me that he didn't like jazz. I told him that in Irish music they just play the tune over and over again. 

Peter: Well, as you know, I used to play the bagpipes.

Robert: Yes, we could hear you from our place.

Peter: That's rude! I know that you boys are into fiddle music. I'll play you some Scottish fiddle music. LISTEN.

Richard (of RBB): Well, yes, that piece had some form to it, not just the tune over and over again. But we'd better get back to jazz.

Robert: Sorry, but I'm going to have to get to mass. We have Father Patrick today. He always gives a good sermon.

Richard (of RBB): Okay Rob, but that just leaves me and Peter and we've covered Ornette Coleman already. Hang on, I think that TSB is still on the line.

TSB, via live feed: There's nothing more stirring than the pipes. As for jazz, some I like, most I don't.

Richard (of RBB): Thanks TSB. Go to bed now. Well, thanks for coming in Peter. How's the hip?

Peter: It was fine before I went rock climbing the other day.

Richard (of RBB): Not very hip Peter, we're talking about jazz, not rock.

Peter: Yeah, well I think I'll be off too.

Richard (of RBB): Sorry, I forgot you won that prize and you're off to mass with Robert. I can see the bulge in a couple of your pockets. Communion hosts, I assume.

Peter: Yes. No point in letting them go stale. I might write a post about this experience.

Richard (of RBB): You usually do. Bye everyone. Don't forget to proofread Peter. We don't want any more mention of Anders or Big Steps.

Peter: That last one was Robert!

Richard (of RBB): Ah, go to church!

12 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

“II told him that in Irish music they just play the tune over and over again”

To be sure, to be sure.

Robert Sees Things in Sky ha detto...

The fiddle player looked like a young Richard.
Richard's part Irish, maybe a cousin?

Anonimo ha detto...

That was Scottish music Rob.

Richard (of RBB)

Anonimo ha detto...

Actually, it appears that our grandmother (Gloria's side), although from an Irish family, was actually born in Scotland.

Richard (of R Scottish BB)

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Och aye the noo!

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Then you're about as Scottish as I am then.

Anonimo ha detto...

Maybe I need to get some bagpipes.

R (of RBB)

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Which part of Scotland did your granny come from?

Anonimo ha detto...

Probably‘Purgatory’ which is on Orkney.

Twisted Scottish Bastard ha detto...

No, no, Purgatory is near Hawick.
Beside the bagpipe school.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I thought it would be more appropriate that Hell was next to the bagpipe school.

Twisted Scottish Bastard ha detto...

No, No, Hell is inside the bagpipe school.