Near Balls.*
In the rural town of Balls, as an attempt to market themselves, they have erected witty signs like...
- Would you like a kick in them? Balls.
- You may see some scratching around here. Balls.
- We got rid of road signs. We wrote 'em on a scrotum. Balls.
The people of Marton tried to compete with their neighbouring town...
- We don't want a windy town, so no fartin'! Marton.
Unfortunately, like 'New Zealand's own Fox Town' (Foxton), Marton's caption never really took off and was taken down. It was replaced with a sign that simply read, "Welcome to Marton."
I assume that there is a lot of interesting stuff to do in Martin. If not, there's always looking at sheep.
Back Sunday.
* No, that's not a proofreading error. I did that on purpose.
2 commenti:
Yeah but there were more spelling errors than that.
Just a thought big fella- Marton and Bulls are likely nice places to live. Since leaving the ‘big smoke’ I’ve learned to appreciate rural living. It’s definitely less stressful.
It’s a wonder that you Prowses get anywhere when you drive.
Maybe dodgems is the way to go.
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