domenica 27 ottobre 2024

Old Misery Guts and the Chessboard,


I'd decided to sell things off so that our house in Kaitaia was ready for sale. I'd been told, by a friend who lives and blogs in Moera, that it wasn't always essential to wear underpants there. I decided to sell my best pairs on Trade Me. I had decided to keep the ones that were showing too much 'wear and tear'.

These underpants I was selling had hardly been worn, so I decided to sell three pairs for $45 and said that I would pay the freight. 
I had an offer and was very pleased! 
Later I found out that this buyer actually lived in Tonga and the freight would be $40.
Well, a deal's a deal.

Anyway, I still had the chessboard to sell. 
It was a really good board that I had bought for $200. Maybe I could sell it for a bit more, to cover the underpants?
The name of my friend in Moera is Robot. He is a Presbyterian who loves AI. He suggested that I keep the chessboard in the lounge while I was selling the house. Robot said that it would make me look intelligent.
In my youth I had attended St. Patrick's College in Wellington (this was in 1964) and I had only made it into 3M (the third best out of four classes). In my youth I imagined being Bobby Fischer, but I turned out to be a very average chess player. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to milk the board a bit and then let it go.
Robert wrote an AI assisted message on my blog to say that he agreed. He finished off by saying that he quite liked me - I've had better compliments from Catholic acquaintances.

I'm okay, but I have been happier.

I wonder if Bobby Fischer is still alive and looking for a holiday home in Kaitaia?

12 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Robot loves Al?
Is Robot gay?

Anonimo ha detto...

I don't know.


THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

OK Betty.

Anonimo ha detto...

Old Misery Guts goes by the name of P.Eater. He asked if he could write his stuff on my blog. I thought it was more interesting than all that religious nonsense we get.


Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

We're not talking about you, Robert the sinner. This is a completely different set of people, though Moera is mentioned in their adventures. A guy named P.Eater is writing this stuff on my blog. Evidently he grew up on a pumpkin farm. As a youngster his diet contained a lot of pumpkin. He is planning to move to Moera and has sold his best underpants because a Presbyterian friend of his told him that men's underpants were not essential in Moera. Hey, he is a Presbyterian. You've cleaned their churches, do you see lots of men's underpants laying around? This guy's name is Robot. Maybe you've met him when you're cleaning?

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I haven't used AI for months."

That's a brave admission Robert. Allan, sorry Al, might be upset.

Anonimo ha detto...

Pink supermarkets.


Anonimo ha detto...

Purple bus stops.


Anonimo ha detto...

Polkadot elephants.


Anonimo ha detto...

White bananas.


THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Mmm - this is making the case for me coming down to Wellington to raise the level of wit down there.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Thank you so much!