giovedì 22 febbraio 2024

Off to Marton.

 Near Balls.*

In the rural town of Balls, as an attempt to market themselves, they have erected witty signs like...

  • Would you like a kick in them? Balls.
  • You may see some scratching around here. Balls.
  • We got rid of road signs. We wrote 'em on a scrotum. Balls.
The people of Marton tried to compete with their neighbouring town...
  • We don't want a windy town, so no fartin'! Marton.
Unfortunately, like 'New Zealand's own Fox Town' (Foxton), Marton's caption never really took off and was taken down. It was replaced with a sign that simply read, "Welcome to Marton."

I assume that there is a lot of interesting stuff to do in Martin. If not, there's always looking at sheep.

Back Sunday.

* No, that's not a proofreading error. I did that on purpose.

4 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Yeah but there were more spelling errors than that.

Just a thought big fella- Marton and Bulls are likely nice places to live. Since leaving the ‘big smoke’ I’ve learned to appreciate rural living. It’s definitely less stressful.

Robert Sees Things in Sky ha detto...

After leaving Live-in make sure you turn right at Samsung!

Robert Sees Things in Sky ha detto...

That is, the 'right' direction left.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

It’s a wonder that you Prowses get anywhere when you drive.
Maybe dodgems is the way to go.