sabato 30 marzo 2024

Better Saturday.

 Also known as Cleanskin Saturday, Get Some More Wine Day, Open That Supermarket Saturday and Feels A Bit Like Sunday Saturday.

I read this in The Dribble this morning...

Brent 44,27: As was the custom, huge stones were used before doors were invented. Huge rolling stones.* People wondered, in a time when the wheel was in wide use, why was it so hard to think up a functional door? 

Come On, just get some wood and make a square frame.
We can worry about hinges later.

Hey, and what's this thing about not being able to buy wine on Friday and Monday? Who thought that up?

Bloody Easter!

If Christians want to have their celebrations and make nuisances of themselves at church every day, all fine with me, but why are atheists deprived of wine? Aotearoa is NOT a Christian church state. Luxon, unlike Trump, does not have his own Bible. Not yet anyway. Who, or what, gives someone the right to ban booze for two days? Why aren't all those people protesting in Parliament grounds about THIS?


Anyway, I don't know what all those Christians are getting hot under the collar about. Jesus comes back tomorrow. No big surprise there really. Roll The Stone Sunday. Jesus once turned water into wine. He said, "If anything bad ever happens to me, think cross, celebrate my return with wine. Look, I'm giving you a sign here."

"I hope you're all taking note. Let's call it Cleanskin.
Hey, I could be stopping a war somewhere or uninventing cancer,
 but I'm doing this for you! I'm saving your wedding from being
a dry affair. Let's remember this for the future. For those in the
future who will have to get through Easter celebrations."

Jacob 88, 45: The Lord preached the importance of wine in times of celebration. He particularly had Easter in mind.

There you go. Enjoy your trip to the supermarket today.

* Nothing to do with that Rock n Roll group.

4 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I'm off to Dargaville.
They sell wine with labels on there.

Anonimo ha detto...

Do they? 😮

Richard (of RBB)

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Witty repartee has left the building.

Anonimo ha detto...

Is Witi Reparti one of those Māori Party MPs?