There are over 346 million people in the United States of America. I don't know how many people can or will vote, but that's a lot of voters, even if you write off about 100 million. It appears that, just recently, 48.5% of voters will probably vote for Trump. That's enough for him to win.
I found the thing below on the internet.
There's an old saying, "When you're dead, you don't know that you're dead but everybody else does. It's the same when you're stupid."
I know enough about Trump to know that you'd have to be stupid to vote for him. Evidently nearly half of the USA voters are going to vote for him.
Holy Shit!
Then we've got that fat North Korean leader helping Russia with their war. Also, Israel seems to be attacking lots of countries in their area.
Things are not looking good for the world.
Leave a comment if you have an opinion, but don't mention God.*
* Well, he doesn't seem to give a shit. Maybe he's just looking forward to an early judgement day. I wouldn't get too comfortable with your lot if I were you, Brother Benedict.