I listened to a podcast by Tent Horn this morning.
He makes some interesting points.
1. Arguing with a Christian will always be interesting because he can't afford to lose.
You can be bloody sure that The Bible will be quoted as a source of proof when this book is really more like a sauce. It pours over everything, in a discussion about Christianity, and all it really supplies is a flavouring.
A Christian will also say, "Look at the world and the Universe. How did it get here if there is no god?" Of course, the obvious answer is, "It might have come about through some other method. We humans haven't discovered the answer yet."
2. What is marriage?
Tent says that it is a thing invented by humans to glorify the love between two people and their intention (at a particular time) to spend the rest of their days together. It's a good chance to get friends and relatives together and it often creates work for musicians. People who live together and don't get married seem to do just as well and they don't have to pay for a band.
3. What is sex for?
If there is a Christian god, he/she/it must have created sex while having some very kinky thoughts! The three people in the one Catholic god and all the angels didn't need it. Obviously sex has been necessary for procreation of humans and other animals. If you see a man and a lady with children, you know that they have had sex, but other people have sex too - even unmarried people and people of the same sex. What's the point in that? Well, it is often a very nice experience and can give a special bond to the two people involved.
4. What is a woman?
Among humans there are men and women. Men have a cock and balls and women have different bits. It's probably fair to say that men and women see things a bit differently. For example, in a partnership or marriage the man sometimes thinks that he is in charge. This is usually a mistake. Women are often more subtle. It is probably true that the female outlook on life is often much nicer than the male outlook, but obviously this is not always the case. It is bloody good that we have women. Let's treat them with a lot of respect and kindness.
5. What is a person?
Someone who is either a lady or a man, or something a bit in between. An angel, for example - if it really existed, is not a person. The word 'person' really gives you no insight into the quality of the entity.
6. If your time in Heaven or Hell lasts forever, as Catholics believe, is it really fair to punish someone for 'sins' committed in a period of roughly 80 years or less? Could even Heaven get a bit boring after a while?
Yes, we have to understand that 'forever' is an unimaginably long time. As regards Hell, if a person lives for 65 years, wouldn't a penalty for wrongdoing be fairer if it lasted 65 or even 200 years? Think of your own life, 200 years would be a very long time. Now imagine that you have been in Heaven for 200 years. "Oh shit! Here comes Mr. Linford again! I can't even remember the number of times I've heard his favourite stories! Why can't God change things so that people become more interesting? Maybe I should have played up more when I was on Earth (aka Jasper)? Hell can't be much worse. At least it would be a change! I might ask if I can visit. I need a bit of excitement."
There you go. I hope that helps. Tent Horn is certainly worth a listen.
16 commenti:
That makes no sense at all.
Civil arrangements are just as strong as marriages and have the full protection of the law. Who the fuck needs grace and approval from an imaginary being?
Yourself obviously since that’s an irrational statement.
The idea that the Spaghetti Monster created it all suits me.
No Second, reason doesn’t feature in your thinking when it comes to religion.
Have fun boys but don't forget to practise in all 12 keys.
I'm talking about western (tempered) music. There are 12 different notes that give you 12 major keys and 12 minor keys. When I say to practise in 12 keys, I obviously mean to practise both major and minor, which actually comes off the 6th mode of the major scale. Of course, you should practise the other modes too. Some people like to say silly things like, "The Lydian mode in C could also be the Ionian #4 mode in F."
Really that's just trying to be clever. Idiots are doing that on Facebook as I write.
I say to them, "When you're dead, you don't know it. Only other people do. It's the same when you're stupid."
Only one ! is necessary.
Thanks TC. Really I wouldn't have used capital letters and a full stop.
And you have proof of that statement? Please don't quote the bloody bible!
"Your full of bollognese" - You're full of bolognese.
Oh dear.
And, do you know what’s worse?
All these comments will just make RBB more unbearable.
I'm feeling a bit like Donald Trump! 😈🤡😂
Have you a yearning to grab them by the … ?
He doesn’t like cats.
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