martedì 5 novembre 2024

A horse walks into a bar. The barman asks, "Why the long face?"

The three who liked to refer to themselves as The Holy Trinity sat around a table. They were God the Father, God the Son and Don.

"Wow, living forever is certainly a long time!" said God the Son.

"You're not wrong Son. It's been billions of years plus. We have always been here." added Don.

"Is it always going to be just the three of us?" asked God the Son.

"Okay, okay," said God the Father, "I have an idea that might brighten things up. We make this thing called a universe. It'll be big. Very big. Who knows, then we could make some more."

"But, God the Father, you know the future. You knew we'd come to this point which is probably brought about by boredom. You should have scheduled this for an earlier date. What will be the point of this universe?" retorted God the Son.

"I will create creatures called angles. They will be much like us. And, while I think of it, we could use more descriptive names. How about we call you Jesus, Son? I'm going to just go with God. Don, your name needs to be more exotic. Any ideas?" asked God (the Father).

"I'm going to go outside the circle here. I'm going to choose The Holy Ghost."

"I knew you'd choose that." said God.

"I'm happy to go with Jesus, but I don't like that name 'angle'. It sounds like a corner. Let's change it to 'angel'. That's more unique." said Jesus (formerly God the Son).

"I knew you were going to say that!" said God. "Okay, we'll go with those names - God, Jesus and The Holy Ghost. It's done. Now these angels will be much like us. Their boss we will call an archangel. There will be a few more archangels too, but the boss will be called Gabriel. Later on, I'm going to add another species called humans, but that's further down the track. I thought that they won't automatically get into our place but will go through a testing ground. I have a list of those who won't make it, remember that I see the future. I'll make a place called Hell for them."

But won't we need someone to keep an eye on them in Hell?" asked Jesus.

"Obviously I'd already thought of that." said God. "We need a bad angel who needs to be punished."

"Can we call him Lucifer?" chirped in The Holy Ghost.

"I knew you'd suggest that." said God. "Yes, we'll go with Lucifer, but he'll also have the nickname Satan because I like that one. I'll set up a fight with Lucifer so that we can punish him."

"Poor bugger. He doesn't know what he's getting into." said The Holy Ghost.

God moved straight on. "I'll get the universe done in a matter of days. Oh, days are what will happen on a planet I have picked out. I'm going a slightly different route with the humans - I'm going to invent sex. Half of them will be pretty much like us, except I'm giving them this thing called a cock. I'll explain how it works later. The rest of them will be different. Very different. I'm giving them a couple of things on their chest so that they can feed children. I suspect that the other half will find those fascinating. I won't put cocks on these ones."

"Both groups will need names." said Jesus.

"Obviously, I've already thought of that." retorted God. "The ones with cocks will be called men and the ones with the things on their chests will be called woe men."

"Woe men?" asked The Holy Ghost.

"Wouldn't it be better to just have one word?" asked Jesus.

God replied, "The idea is that, while the men will think they're in charge, these woe men will be the real bosses. They'll have a way of really calling the shots. Okay, okay, don't waste your breath, I know how the conversation will go. Okay, we'll go with women."

And that's how it all started.

9 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Yes, yes, but what about the gazoo?

Anonimo ha detto...

But this is the lite side.


Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Living forever? You'd need a lot of motivation.
Just imagine the power that some old(er) men would want.
What am I talking about? Just look around.
I wonder how happy Mr. Linford is in Heaven?
God knew how all this would unfold because he can see the future - he's an all powerful being.
His followers (Catholics) are obsessed with abortion but happy to let numerous children die in wars. Lots and lots of children.
Obviously God doesn't see it as him problem; though he did set the whole human thing in motion.
Pasting original sin onto all his created humans is not what a loving being would do - remember that an awful lot of them will suffer for eternity.
Eternity is a very, very, very long time.
I don't think that the Christian god is that smart; or that loving.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

"Obviously God doesn't see it as him problem;" - his

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

No wonder you haven't been responding to my 'gazoo' request.
I now realise that it's called a 'kazoo'.
Silly me.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Yes, yes, but what about the kazoo?

Anonimo ha detto...

That's better. There are two orifices you can use a kazoo in. One is your mouth.


Anonimo ha detto...

Empirical knowledge?

Anonimo ha detto...

No thanks.