mercoledì 23 novembre 2022

Dry Spring.


Oops, again!

There was white everywhere. Warren thought that maybe it wasn't a good idea to always head towards the light, as he and his kind had a strong tendency to do. It seemed like a peaceful environment, so Warren decided to hunker down for the night. He was woken a couple of times during the night, but it was just people going to the toilet. He'd been in a place like this once before, so these were not unfamiliar sounds - a few sudden thunderous sounds, what sounded like someone had left a tap on, the sound of paper rolling and then what sounded like a waterfall. The final sound was like something being lowered. Warren was soon back asleep.

From 4am, though Warren was oblivious to the time, the sun started to change its intensity every hour. At 7am it was completely light. Then, as Warren, attempted to wake, it started. Steam everywhere! The white surfaces were getting slippery and there was a very big object near a source of scolding water. Warren decided that it was time to fly but his wings didn't want to seem to work, and he was very afraid of slipping into a torrent of water that had formed below the white ridge that was his only haven now. 

Suddenly things went quiet and he had a moment to breath, to think. There was a naked man in front of him. He was putting on what looked like rugby shorts and a grey t-shirt. Then he seemed to be trying to get Warren to stand on a big piece of cardboard. Warren tried to move away but his body was a mess. He couldn't seem to get himself untangled.

In his panicked state he was sort of aware that he was laying on the big piece of cardboard. Then the environment changed and the cardboard had been placed among plants and grass. If he could rest here for a while, and didn't meet anyone who was hungry, Warren felt he would be strong enough to fly off and find his way home. 

15 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Isn't Warren a mosquito?
You're lucky it didn't bite you on your (big naked) bum.

Maybe it did and you've now got malaria which would explain the incomprehensibility of the post.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Warren is a daddy long legs. Obviously, with all those things you studied at university, biology wasn't among them.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

It’s a mosquito.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

What’s next in the series? Bedspring?

Robert Sees Things in Sky ha detto...

It reminds of Marie of Agradda referring to love as a spring.
"Love in the heart is like a coiled spring. If it is diverted love will recoil to its normal position. The heart becomes subservient and subject to what it loves. The will cannot take any action than sort by love. For what man loves, that he makes his master".

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Did you count its legs? A daddy long legs almost always has one missing.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Did Marie of wherever ever have a bonk?

Robert Sees Things in Sky ha detto...

Pray to her. She might surprise you.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

She keeps changing her name. Was she dyslexic or an illegal immigrant or a spy?

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Where's my other comment?

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Right here!

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Oh, and it's still a mosquito.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Well, in the story it's a daddy long legs so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I would but the legs might hang over the sides of the bowl.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Unfortunately Dementia is incurable.

You should name your 'daddy long legs' Sister Mary.