venerdì 10 maggio 2024


Named after Friedrich Fri, a little known (these days) Presbyterian saint who used to fly around like a fly.

There's a story that some Catholics made a huge fly swat and used it on him.

It evidently took six Catholic men to lift up and swing the fly swat. The fly swat in now in the National Museum in Bonn.

Bonn. Germany.

It tells us, in the museum, that there was a song written about the event. Here it is, translated from German to English.

He was a peaceful man of the cloth,

Who used to sleep up in a loft.

He cooked his own pigeon pie and

Then he'd go for a fly.

Whether the weather was wet or dry

Didn't bother Friedrich Fri.

Whether the weather was wet or dry

Never bother Friedrich Fri.

One day, while using a pencil,

He saw an almighty utensil.

It was red and very large,

Six men were in charge, one called

"We've got you a pressie, flying Presby!"

They started to swing it around while

Poor old Friedrich started to get off the ground.

They started to swing it around while

Poor old Friedrich tried to get off the ground.

Friedrich nearly peed when saw it

Coming with such speed.

He tried to fly but cried,

Shortly afterwards he died.

He tried to fly, he really tried, but

Shortly afterwards he died.

There is a lot of evidence of this story being true and it was almost made into a film in the 1960s, but some Catholic called Joe got to be in the film instead. A lot of German Presbyterians don't trust Catholics to this very day. Who can blame them? 

Next time you're in Bonn, have a look in the National Museum.

Bis bald. Genieße deinen Tag.

3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

What a moving story that was! Great song lyrics too!

Bin Hire

Anonimo ha detto...

Yes, The The I agree The The The The with The The Bin! The The The The The The

The The The Guy

Anonimo ha detto...

As you all know, I'm a thinking kind of a guy and I appreciate that it must have been a tricky job to translate that song from German.
I have seen the original in Bonn.
It starts...
Er war ein friedlicher Mann aus dem Stande,

Wer hat früher auf einem Dachboden geschlafen.

Er kochte seinen eigenen Taubenkuchen und

Dann würde er fliegen gehen.

Phillip Edward Nis