giovedì 3 ottobre 2024

The boys desperately need a new post from me.


I think they like me to start with a picture.

Peter has been to the murder house and some passing priest has told Rob he needs to be pathetic, or something similar. He told him to be two other things as well, but Rob wasn't listening. I guess that this is why the boys need my posts.

What the passing priest might have said:

  • Grow a beard like Jesus.
  • Nothing lasts forever, not even Hell.
  • That biscuit thing is not really the body of Jesus.
  • Come to church in a t-shirt and shorts.
  • Don't go to bed wearing a full suit.
  • Every good boy deserves fruit.
  • The tritone is not really the devil's interval.
  • Joseph doesn't like God because of what he did to Mary.
  • Go Trump! Let's make America grate again.
  • Flushing toilets are the work of Satan.
Peter has sensitive teeth (just like any curmudgeon) and needs special toothpaste. Oh dear. What do we do when our world comes to that? It'd be nice if all his friends sent Peter a tube of sensitive toothpaste. If they don't, here are some suggestions for Peter:

  • Don't eat big stringy steaks.
  • Don't chew on cardboard.
  • Don't steal communion hosts. Hey, that's just not right!
  • Wearing lipstick might help. There again, it might not.
  • Use your hands, and not your teeth, to undo your sandal straps.
  • Don't take up the trumpet or the oboe.
  • Don't suck on stones or small rocks.
  • Don't get punched in the mouth.
  • Only kiss gently.
  • Stay right away from oral sex.
There you go, I think I've helped both Peter and Rob. They'll both rest easy tonight. Peter might even celebrate with a Cleanskin.

Well, I know he likes that drop.

Please leave a message if I can be of further help.
Ciao tutti.

11 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Hey, great post! I really enjoyed that. Well done, as usual!

Phillip Edward Nis

Anonimo ha detto...

Gosh, you really know how to write a good post. Brilliant!

Bin Hire

Anonimo ha detto...

The The great The The!

The The The Guy

Anonimo ha detto...

Another dick, an Arab tramp and a stuttering guy then. Is that all you’ve got?

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Robert could summon up 3 person in one, a virgin mother, asexual angels, demons and devils, crazy cloistered nuns, brothers and priests, saints by the barrowful, catholic apologists and of course Trent Horne.
You need to lift your game sunshine.

Anonimo ha detto...

That's pretty cruel. I don't think I want to know you.


Anonimo ha detto...

La mamma degli imbecile è sempre incinta.


THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I hope you weren't disparaging my favourite Prime Minister Jacinda in that incomprehensible rant.

Anonimo ha detto...

No way. That was a sideways movement by you.
Tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare.

Rob ha detto...

Be vulnerable!

Anonimo ha detto...

I don’t get this ‘be vulnerable’ schtick that Robert’s discovered.
Be nice, be fair, be caring - yes but to lie on your back waiting for a belly rub is a bit wimpy don’t you think?