domenica 29 dicembre 2024

Resolutions for the new year.


Oops, sorry, wrong year but you get the idea.

Okay, here we go, resolutions for the new year.

  • Get my double practice up with more regular practice and get my solo repertoire played in public.
  • Get ready for some solo violin performances.
  • Work towards some performances with Robert.
  • Spend less time on the couch, though reading Reacher has made a nice break over this period.
  • Keep fit but look after the aging body.
  • Get my jokes up to standard for when Peter returns.
  • Teach Peter some Wine-oo-EOmartyr style jokes so that he can fit in around here and won't embarrass himself by going on about expensive champagne.
  • Avoid expensive dental visits. Hey, they're only teeth.
  • Going to 'il supermercato' is not really an outing.
  • Build a well, instead of a fishpond, on our property. Then we can eat well. 
  • That's about it.
Three days to go now! My diary for the new year is ready.

Naturally I'll be recording all my violin and double bass practice in this.

I hope you are as ready for the new year!

Ciao tutti.

7 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

It figures.

Anonimo ha detto...

Forget all these resolutions. I'll practise, rather than writing blog posts. The amount of comments says, ""This is a bloody waste of time."

Anonimo ha detto...


THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I agree Robert and it's goodbye from me as well.

Rob ha detto...

I just arrived ...I was hoping you might say "Start working on some violin and cello duets"...but you didn't so I'll just keep practicing then maybe one day I can take it around to Daryl's.

Anonimo ha detto...

I don't understand what you are talking about.


Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

At least there are some comments coming in.