lunedì 20 maggio 2024

Double Double Bass Post Popular!


Double double basses.

A post on changing double bass strings (3 back now) has turned out to be rather popular. Maybe it's because people are getting tired of reading posts about garden maintenance, recording equipment and outside chairs blowing over.

What a storm that must have been!
We even received a comment from Rob.

Okay, I must admit, my first reaction was, "What the fuck is he talking about?"

But, to be fair, I was just waking up. With a bit of time to think about it, it makes perfect sense.

It's actually Latin for 'I'm sure'. Okay, you might ask why a post about string changing should be titled, "I'm sure."

Well, as Rob said in another comment, "That's a lot like the Pope asking why Catholic laity aren't reading LUMEN GENTIUM and other constitutional documents from Vatican II."
LUMEN GENTIUM means THE LIGHT (in capital letters). Though, it could be that Catholic laity are happy with the lights they already have.

But, back to double bass strings.
I'm very pleased with how the Obligatos are sounding. They're quite bright, but I like that. They're actually quite similar to my Evah Pirazzi strings. Though, those EPs are hard to beat, and La Gloria is a very fine bass.

Ciao bass lovers.

2 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Time’s running out. You’d best get that shed cleaned now.

Anonimo ha detto...

You boys are so funny!


Richard (of RBB)