lunedì 13 maggio 2024

What's in a name?


"Peter (aka The Literary Curmudgeon, Peter’s Golf Bag, The Wine Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon Express, Right As Rain, The Twitter Curmudgeon, The Inconstant Curmudgeon, The Cultured Curmudgeon, The Lazy Curmudgeon, The Music Curmudgeon, The Food Curmudgeon, The Religious Curmudgeon, The Mundane Curmudgeon, The Church Of The Blessed Curmudgeon, The Nostalgic Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon’s – Agony Aunt, The Aluminium Foil Curmudgeon, Irascible Old Bastard, The New Different Time Zone Bill, Northland Musings, The Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeonly Luddite, The Curmudgeonly Inventor, The Happy Curmudgeon, The Polemical Curmudgeon, The Philosophical Curmudgeon, Deacon Tanimate and The Darker Curmudgeon)..."

It is certainly a long name but, in these times when one strives to please the identity of others, I feel it is important to address Peter (aka The Literary Curmudgeon, Peter’s Golf Bag, The Wine Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon Express, Right As Rain, The Twitter Curmudgeon, The Inconstant Curmudgeon, The Cultured Curmudgeon, The Lazy Curmudgeon, The Music Curmudgeon, The Food Curmudgeon, The Religious Curmudgeon, The Mundane Curmudgeon, The Church Of The Blessed Curmudgeon, The Nostalgic Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon’s – Agony Aunt, The Aluminium Foil Curmudgeon, Irascible Old Bastard, The New Different Time Zone Bill, Northland Musings, The Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeonly Luddite, The Curmudgeonly Inventor, The Happy Curmudgeon, The Polemical Curmudgeon, The Philosophical Curmudgeon, Deacon Tanimate and The Darker Curmudgeon) by his full name.

Peter (aka The Literary Curmudgeon, Peter’s Golf Bag, The Wine Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon Express, Right As Rain, The Twitter Curmudgeon, The Inconstant Curmudgeon, The Cultured Curmudgeon, The Lazy Curmudgeon, The Music Curmudgeon, The Food Curmudgeon, The Religious Curmudgeon, The Mundane Curmudgeon, The Church Of The Blessed Curmudgeon, The Nostalgic Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon’s – Agony Aunt, The Aluminium Foil Curmudgeon, Irascible Old Bastard, The New Different Time Zone Bill, Northland Musings, The Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeonly Luddite, The Curmudgeonly Inventor, The Happy Curmudgeon, The Polemical Curmudgeon, The Philosophical Curmudgeon, Deacon Tanimate and The Darker Curmudgeon)'s name has grown over about the last fifteen or so years. From memory, it was about 2007 when he started blogging. He started off with a blog that went under the name of The Curmudgeon. For some reason, he thought that he needed different nom de plumes for different topics that he wanted to write about. Philosophy? "That will be the job of The Philosophical Curmudgeon." he thought. Laziness? Yes, that is covered by The Lazy Curmudgeon. I think you get the idea.

Along the way, Peter (aka The Literary Curmudgeon, Peter’s Golf Bag, The Wine Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon Express, Right As Rain, The Twitter Curmudgeon, The Inconstant Curmudgeon, The Cultured Curmudgeon, The Lazy Curmudgeon, The Music Curmudgeon, The Food Curmudgeon, The Religious Curmudgeon, The Mundane Curmudgeon, The Church Of The Blessed Curmudgeon, The Nostalgic Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon’s – Agony Aunt, The Aluminium Foil Curmudgeon, Irascible Old Bastard, The New Different Time Zone Bill, Northland Musings, The Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeonly Luddite, The Curmudgeonly Inventor, The Happy Curmudgeon, The Polemical Curmudgeon, The Philosophical Curmudgeon, Deacon Tanimate and The Darker Curmudgeon) decided to pinch a character from Richard's Bass Bag*. The New Different Time Zone Bill. With a little more thought he could have come up with The Time Travelling Curmudgeon, or something like that. You don't hear a lot, or get many posts, these days from quite a few of his 'characters'. For some reason, The Blue Man no longer appears on the list. This seems unfair when people like The Polemical Curmudgeon, Northland Musings and Right As Rain don't seem to be contributing much at all.

Maybe it is time for Peter (aka The Literary Curmudgeon, Peter’s Golf Bag, The Wine Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon Express, Right As Rain, The Twitter Curmudgeon, The Inconstant Curmudgeon, The Cultured Curmudgeon, The Lazy Curmudgeon, The Music Curmudgeon, The Food Curmudgeon, The Religious Curmudgeon, The Mundane Curmudgeon, The Church Of The Blessed Curmudgeon, The Nostalgic Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon’s – Agony Aunt, The Aluminium Foil Curmudgeon, Irascible Old Bastard, The New Different Time Zone Bill, Northland Musings, The Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeonly Luddite, The Curmudgeonly Inventor, The Happy Curmudgeon, The Polemical Curmudgeon, The Philosophical Curmudgeon, Deacon Tanimate and The Darker Curmudgeon) to thin down the list a bit. I'm sure that quite a few of his characters are now obsolete.

Ah well, I suppose he enjoys the length of his creation and, what with Robert writing huge posts about things like Transubstantiation (though that one got deleted), it gives Peter (aka The Literary Curmudgeon, Peter’s Golf Bag, The Wine Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon Express, Right As Rain, The Twitter Curmudgeon, The Inconstant Curmudgeon, The Cultured Curmudgeon, The Lazy Curmudgeon, The Music Curmudgeon, The Food Curmudgeon, The Religious Curmudgeon, The Mundane Curmudgeon, The Church Of The Blessed Curmudgeon, The Nostalgic Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon’s – Agony Aunt, The Aluminium Foil Curmudgeon, Irascible Old Bastard, The New Different Time Zone Bill, Northland Musings, The Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeonly Luddite, The Curmudgeonly Inventor, The Happy Curmudgeon, The Polemical Curmudgeon, The Philosophical Curmudgeon, Deacon Tanimate and The Darker Curmudgeon) a chance to match word numbers with him.

Everyone to their own, I suppose.

If it makes you happy, go for it Peter (aka The Literary Curmudgeon, Peter’s Golf Bag, The Wine Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon Express, Right As Rain, The Twitter Curmudgeon, The Inconstant Curmudgeon, The Cultured Curmudgeon, The Lazy Curmudgeon, The Music Curmudgeon, The Food Curmudgeon, The Religious Curmudgeon, The Mundane Curmudgeon, The Church Of The Blessed Curmudgeon, The Nostalgic Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeon’s – Agony Aunt, The Aluminium Foil Curmudgeon, Irascible Old Bastard, The New Different Time Zone Bill, Northland Musings, The Curmudgeon, The Curmudgeonly Luddite, The Curmudgeonly Inventor, The Happy Curmudgeon, The Polemical Curmudgeon, The Philosophical Curmudgeon, Deacon Tanimate and The Darker Curmudgeon).

Ciao tutti.

* the original bass bagging site

5 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Well, at least it helps to raise the average number of characters (pun intended) in your blog posts which have been a bit skinny recently.

Anonimo ha detto...

Personally I liked seeing my name in print three times. Be careful saying it out loud three times in a row though. You remember what happened when people said Beetlejuice, Candyman or Ftumch thrice quickly.

The Happy Curmudgeon

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

It appears that your blog is stuck.
Do you want Robert ‘the tinkerer’ to fix it?

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

"Far cough." a cough is heard in the distance.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

“Hack need” could be said but of course you have one writing this blog.