It has been a long day and the accoutrements of my dress style certainly need a bit of assiduous thought but I really am too tired to even worry about a callipygian woman; even that! Some of my fellow bloggers who buy into the circumlocution principle of writing might certainly agree. In the end we are all consanguineous. Some of our debate about abortion was a consanguineous example. Hardly coruscant at times.
I stand aghast at the desideratum that is required, or sort after, by some bloggers in expressing their opinions. It can be enervating. I might need to excogitate more time with a dictionary!
I guess that some gasconading and grandiloquent people like to come across with a complicated presenting style to make up for a lack of logic in their honorificabilitudinitatibus arguments.
4 commenti:
Yeah, and I thought you didn't like big words.
Personally I think that it stems back to your harrowing experience in the third form at St. Patrick's College Wellington when you realised that the word 'professional' had many more letters in it than the word 'general'.
Never mind, eh.
Hey! Here's a heads up. I have news, big news but can't tell you about it until later in the week. I've written a post about this on my blog but it's embargoed (sorry about the big word).
I added a bit to my post. It's just in simple language.
Dave's thoughts were anything other than honorificabilitudinitatibus.
Thanks for that.
Richard, not Robert.
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