venerdì 23 agosto 2024

Hey, what's happening around the blogs?

 That's an easy question to answer...


Well, except for the great work that Richard's Bass Bag* is doing in this crisis!

No doubt Peter, of The Curmudgeon Ink, has been busy upsetting others at tennis and looking for golf balls on the golf course.

Hey! You're not supposed to take balls that are
still in play!

Robert, as you probably know, has grown a beard, changed his name, and has moved to Facebook, where he is writing about saints and the like. Talking about the word 'like', he doesn't seem to be getting many of those.


* * *

Okay, I know, I've always been a bit of a devil.

Even in my younger years!

You can understand now why
I had no trouble getting girlfriends.

Okay, that's not entirely true. Hey, but this is my blog, and I can say what I like. Let's face it, there is not much competition these days. 
Today I'll do more work on Project Violin 100, and I'll try to get some quality bass practice done. 

I'll leave you there for now. 

Ciao tutti.

* the original bass bagging site

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