sabato 10 agosto 2024

Project Violin 100.

 I've just clocked up another 15 minutes. I know, Peter spends longer in the toilet, but it was time well spent (for me, I don't know what Peter gets up to in there).

Remember, Peter, the job's not over until the paperwork is done.

On this project repetition is important, but so is having a plan. This task covers twelve parts, all with their little (well, rather big, actually) problems to solve. I have covered the first three parts and am practising the beginnings of seven other parts. Obviously, I need to keep going over the bits that I have learnt.

Hang on, I think that Peter is finished in the bathroom. About time.

Lynn will be saying, "Come on Matey, we didn't come all this way so that you can spend it in the bathroom!"

Peter will probably go for a walk this morning. Yes, I know, he'll get lost and it will take longer than planned. He'll be wearing his thermal gear. I don't think he will have taken his fancy gumboots. At least, I hope not. For Lynn's sake.

Well, that's it for now.


3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

That Peter is a dag!

Bin Hire

Anonimo ha detto...


Angry Jesus

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

We went to a great Italian restaurant for my birthday tea tonight.
Being oldies we were in at 6.30 and out by 7.30.
The joys of being old. Back in time to watch both the Olympics and the All Blacks rugby.