lunedì 12 agosto 2024

Project Violin 100 discussed.

Robert: Hi Peter, where are you?

Peter: Just about to board a flight for home. I hope it's not a doozy, like the flight we took to Dunedin!

Robert: Yes, I'm looking forward to that post! Ha, ha, I sent a link to Richard of two double bassists playing Flight of the Bumble Bee. I asked if that is his big project.

Peter: Yes, I had a look. Did you notice that they're both the same guy, playing the same bass? They've also got a little thing, near the bridge, that looks like a tuner. Is he, they, having trouble playing in tune? Anyway, Richard specifically mentions the violin. Maybe he's working on some Ry Cooder?

Robert: Maybe I need to pray to St. Therese of Lisieux? Maybe he's working on a hymn?

Peter: Maybe his alter egos will be playing in the backing band? Sheesh! They're quite a pack of boasters!

Robert: But you have quite a number of alter egos, The Religious Curmudgeon, The Bagpipes Curmudgeon, that lady who gives advice... I can go on.

Peter: Well, so do you! The Holy Ghost, Mary, St. Therese. I can go on too.

Robert: I will pray to Mary to forgive you.

Peter: Sheesh! Oh, thanks, I guess.

3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Just a little detail .... Mary asks the Father to forgive, she doesn't have the power to do that herself.

Rob ha detto...

It's like Peter has never left, what with all the conversations we are having.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Family get-togethers must be doozies with you guys. It'd be hard for someone to get a word in.