domenica 11 agosto 2024

Project Violin 100 Update.

 9 hours done - 91 to go.

Robert: I can guess what he's practising.

Peter: Well, I can bet it's not a hymn. Maybe he has finally taken up the bagpipes.

Robert: No, my wiser and older brother will probably be pushing the limits of violin playing. I suspect Bach.

Peter: Nah, you're just promoting that Arnold Schwarzenegger joke.

Robert: God loves you, Peter. Well done.

Peter: Then why did the All Blacks need to lose?

Robert: To make people understand that abortion is bad. God works in mysterious ways. Hey, men are in charge here.

Peter: But whose body is it?

Robert: God made it, and he impregnated Mary. I guess he saved Joseph the job. He could then concentrate on his carpentry skills.

Peter: Okay, good point. Do you know any good hairdressers? I need a haircut.

Robert: Jesus wore long hair, AND make up. That was the fashion in the Middle East back then.

Peter: Oh, okay. I'll see if Lynn will lend me some eye shadow.

2 commenti:

Rob ha detto...

This is my guess

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

They were both the same guy. Well done though. Notice that my project has the word 'violin' in it.