giovedì 22 agosto 2024

Project Violin 100 update.

 So, Robert has packed up his blog and moved to Facebook and is using an Italian name - Roberto Testore. I hope he recognises the significance of the name Testore. Ah, he'll look it up on his old friend Google.

Giovanni says, "I'm holding it, Rob."

By the way, Giovanni is pronounced Jovanni.

Anyway, back on topic, I have now completed 15 hours of this project. Hey, that's not all the practice I do! Other things need practising too. I'm making progress, but some aspects slow me down - a sign that I need to do lots of SLOW practice. Will I get there in 85 more hours? I hope so. Only time will tell, but I'm not giving up.

Now that Robert has moved on, Peter will need to get used to reading posts about musical instruments; that Catholic thing could become a thing of the past. There will probably be less stories based around the church shop.

Father Orange could become a distant memory.

"Squeeze me, baby."

Along with some of the old saints.

Maria Goretti

And Broadway Jesus.


Hopefully Peter will be reading up on how the violin and double bass are strung and tuned.

"Sheesh! They never taught 
us this in 3P!"

Now that Peter's regular readership has been essentially reduced to 1, let's hope that he's up to making the necessary changes.

Good luck to The Curmudgeon Ink.

Oh, and HERE is a tune to cheer you all up.

4 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Roberto did not expect The Spanish Inquisition!


Anonimo ha detto...

No one expects The Spanish Inquisition!

Phillip Edward Nis

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

“It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to …”

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

"You would cry too if it happened to you."