giovedì 22 agosto 2024

Then there were two.

 This is what greets you if you go to Robert's blog.

If you follow the link to his Facebook page, you find a site where he goes by the name Roberto Testore.

Is Robert trying to hide his identity? The Italian name is certainly confusing. I wonder where he got it from?

Now our blogging community consists of Richard's Bass Bag* and a swag of blogs that make up The Curmudgeon Ink**.

Never mind, you'll still find what you want at 'the bag'.

* the original bass bagging site

** where you can learn about fences and missing buses in Christchurch

4 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I guess I'll have to create a new Curmudgeon character to fill in for Robert.
How does The Cacographic Curmudgeon sound?
Or maybe The Catholic Cacographic Curmudgeon? This has the advantage of being shortened to CCC in interviews.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Please, no new Curmudgeons!

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Oh, OK.

Anonimo ha detto...

I could do a Catholic character named Robbert.