mercoledì 2 novembre 2022

Christians always look on the bright side of life?

 I went to an event in Miramar (Wellington) today. My daughter gave a speech and the people at the event (where she works) were amazing and inclusive of all cultures and sexual orientation. I played a violin solo. It was a very happy experience. I must admit to being very proud of my daughter today.

Initially, on my arrival in Miramar, I parked the car and walked past a Christian church on the main street.

This was the first sign I saw.

For fuck's sake! 

I wonder how many people this upsets?

What a pile of trite!

John must have been a lot of fun to know when he was alive.


The Christian god sounds like Puten and his 'mates'.

4 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Nice post.
I can see how you'd be proud of being there when Steph gave her speech and pleased you got to do a violin solo (did they put any money in your hat?).

I get the juxtaposition between an all inclusive friendly event and that disgusting threatening sign outside the church. What's wrong with these people?
No doubt Robert doesn't see the problem.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Thanks. We actually got a standing ovation. We made the CEO (a lady) cry.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...


Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Don't tell anyone.