sabato 14 settembre 2024


 I just read an article that says that 'il papa' is telling American Catholics how to vote. 

What he seems to be saying is vote to protect immigrants OR to stop abortions. In the end it sounds like he might see abortion as the biggest 'wrong'. 

Will Catholics follow his advice? Probably.

Trump is anti-migration, and Harris wants to change the abortion laws. 

Will the Catholics take it that they must go with Trump?

Holy Moses!

On a slightly brighter note, I played at a school concert last night. This expedition to play on one orchestral tune took up four hours. I was helping out the guys playing 4th. violin. There were three of us - two students and me. I couldn't see the music because my eyes aren't the best these days (I'm also finding it hard driving at night, especially in wet weather) and there was only one copy. What a waste of time that was! I'll have an excuse next time.

Tomorrow is Prowse Jam time. There have been emails going back and forth about a tune called Blue Drag. It has become a bit of a drag. Oops, that was a Peter style pun. Sorry. I don't know what else we're playing but it will be nice to catch up with everyone. 

Today, for me, is a day with no plans. Ah well, there's always a trip to the supermarket. 
I hope Rob's Sue is doing okay - she had a fall yesterday. I think I'll give him a ring.

"Ta ta for now." as people used to say in the old days.

I'd better do some violin practice so that I can keep up with the bros tomorrow. Maybe they'll put me on 4th. violin? Anyway, I can always wear Peter's favourite hat.

6 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

The Pope endorsing Trump is about as silly as your hat .... well, nearly as silly.

Rob ha detto...

Hobson's choice: stop abortions and stop immigrants. Both are big on the Holy Father's agenda. I don't see how you can vote for one and ignore the other.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Best to do neither.

Anonimo ha detto...

Robert 0 Peter 1

Rob ha detto...

To be honest if I was a Yank I'd see Harris as the worse of two evils. In New Zealand we are used to politicians with appalling attitudes to the sanctity of life, remember Ardern; but Trump is bad news in every other respect!

Anonimo ha detto...

Il papa's remarks might be enough to destroy the world.
Ah, idiots in power!