sabato 20 luglio 2024

Grandma is important!


Oops, sorry, I meant 'grammar'.

Proofreading is important too.

In his latest post Rob tells us, "He took my weight and blood pressure and height and waste measurements to boot." 

Okay, I'm still trying to get out of my mind the image of a guy, who came to Rob's door, measuring pieces of his shit. Please be more careful with your proofreading next time Rob!

Okay, moving right along.

I see that Peter has a new series. This 'puerile piece of offensive nonsense' is called IMAGINARY SCENARIOS - NUMBER ONE. The second part of the title warns tells us to expect more. He was evidently inspired by a report of some faulty bull semen. I don't know where he reads these things. Anyway, this new series will give me something to read while I have my morning coffee.

Okay, here's something to cheer Rob and Peter up, after that 'puerile piece of offensive nonsense'.

1) What's this all about?

2) Can you find one of our bloggers?

3) Who are these people?

Have a fun Saturday and go the All Blacks!

Ciao tutti.

7 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

The guy second from the right in the front is making that woman third from the right look particularly uncomfortable.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

W(h)anganui folk festival. My poor old Hillman Super Minx CD311 was overloaded with all sorts of shit that the passengers put in the boot (not waste product fortunately) so some unnecessary things needed to be dumped like the cricket bat and some sort of musical instrument.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

The grandparents could have remained celibate and thwarted the blogging travesties that followed much later but - no, they just went ahead and 'did it'.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Yeah, well - I realise now that there was no hurry responding to this post given the appalling lack of interest shown by Richard of Richard's Bass Bag the post's creator.
Maybe he should rename his blog as Richard's Blasé Bag.

Just think of the more important things I might have done today.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Like picking a fight at tennis or falling down a bank at golf?

Richard's Bass Bag* is keeping you alive.

Thanks where thanks is due, matey.

* the original bass bagging site

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Yes Rob, you are correct.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Inside knowledge.