martedì 23 luglio 2024

Tuesday comes but once a week.

 Peter rolled over and let out some wind. Brrrrrp. It was okay because he was alone in bed, so no one would know, or smell. His plan was to get as much sleep as he could because today was tennis day and tennis days did not always go smoothly.

Rob was already on the job. It was his wife's birthday, but he still had work to do, and he'd been up before 5am. He had the day all planned out.

Richard was up and getting ready to face a day teaching violin. He planned to make today a day when he introduced as many students as possible to some of the four major scale fingerings - the less common ones. He'd thought about it quite a bit through the night. He hoped for a quiet morning from his bowel. So far it had been quieter than Peter's morning.

Hey, let's get this day underway.

3 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

It’s raining.
No tennis today.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Hold on!
The sun's out - I'm off to tennis.
It doesn't help those poor kids who'll be subjected to being introduced to some of the four major scale fingerings - the less common ones though.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

The cleaner looks a bit swish but I bet he does a good job.
The tennis player has adopted my style.
Richard has a knack for choosing the right images.