martedì 9 luglio 2024

It's like leaving two children in charge.

 I'm going to be away for four or five days, which means that these two will be running the blogging show around here.

Holy Shit!

We know that everything Robert says will be nice because he writes in AI, so don't trust what you read. It's all about him getting into Heaven, I believe.
Peter, on the other hand, can't handle corrections in spelling of Maori place names. This may drift over into his English. So, if you're commenting on his blog, best to write something like this, if you want him to understand, "I here Richard is hedding up cuntry, as far as Knew Plimoff."

Good luck, blog readers. 
You're going to need it.

18 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I just feel sorry for the residents of Wanganui and New Plymout.

Anonimo ha detto...

God's speed on grammar corrections!

Richard (of RBB)

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Tank you Ricard.

Anonimo ha detto...

La mamma degli imbecilli è sempre incinta.

Anonimo ha detto...

Whanganui Update.
by Richard (of RBB)
Well, here I am sitting in a motel in Whanganui. The sky is blue but it is cold outside. I've been thinking about violin scales. I notice that the blogging boys are now making jokes about writing English with bad spelling and Rob is putting apostrophes everywhere. Rascals! Fortunately I'm used to them writing like this. We will be going to check out some of Shelley's old landmarks today. That's a good chance to think about violin scales. People serving you in Whanganui love the phrase, "No worries." Last night we ate at a pub. My hamburger meal was big enough for three people. I ate a third of it. When the young waitress saw what I had left, she said, "No worries." Ah, that's Whanganui for you!

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Are you sure that the waitress didn't say "no whares" and you just couldn't hear the 'h'?

Anonimo ha detto...

The two kings of misspelling.

Anonimo ha detto...

Are they a long way away?
Far king hell!

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Watc your language Ricard.

Anonimo ha detto...


THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I hope the holiday is going well.
Say hello to Karen - ex girlfriend of mine who lives in Whanganui. A very nice woman.

Anonimo ha detto...

Whanganui Update.
by Richard (of RBB)
The sun is not up yet, but I am.
I think we've seen what is to be seen in Whanganui, so we'll head off to New Plymouth about 9.30am. Shelley is excited about stopping in Stratford. God knows why. God should really have bigger things to worry about. I read Carey's blog this morning. Sounded like he was kissing his own arse. He and Peter are obsessed with some word I can't remember and are still insulting Maori spelling. I would have expected better from them. Maybe they've both decided to vote Act now.
I'm not sure what we'll do in New Plymouth, but they have a good Art Gallery / Museum. I'll check out the local music shop too. For some reason music shops almost never tune their violins. I wonder how the one in New Plymouth will shape up? I will try to get a bit of violin practice done before we leave.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

It sounds like a busman's holiday so far. Poor Shelley.

Anonimo ha detto...

New Plymouth Update.
by Richard (of RBB)
No AI was used in the writing of this comment.
I am still in bed.
I looked up 'things to do in New Plymouth' online.
It said, "Not much."
We looked briefly at the Len Lye gallery yesterday and will go back today. Len made some funny things that run on electricity. They're a bit pointless really, but Len enjoyed making them. He would probably have had fun with AI if it had been around in his time.
The two music shops I found yesterday were boring. Just lots of guitars and ukuleles. Yawn.
It's good to see that Rob is keeping his posting up. Peter? Not too much happening there. Maybe he's busy working on his Maori spelling?
I'm struggling to see the point of Rob's AI pictures. I think that one was supposed to be a music shop in New Plymouth. Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle!
Peter's last post compared me to Donald Trump. Sheesh! That's a Peter word.
Okay, okay, the boys are struggling without me, I can see that.
I'll be back late tomorrow afternoon. It's a long drive for a young chap like me. It seems that everyone on the roads is in a hurry these days. Trucks all seem to be breaking their legal speed limit and nothing seems to be getting done about it. Now that Pete and Rob are both voting Act, they'll both be pushing for faster speed limits.
I'll leave it there for today because I need to get back to look at more Len Lye stuff.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I never ‘got’ the Len Lye thing. I always thought that it’s an example of Kiwi over excitement for anything that shows us on the world stage. That kinetic sculpture was good though. Some idiots used to vandalise it. Is it still there?
Maybe you could find a Cosmopolitan Club to get kicked out of.

Anonimo ha detto...

Yes, it's still there but we're heading off shortly. Ciao.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

What has Shortly done to you?

Anonimo ha detto...

Hey TC, where did you train as a comedian?

Um, it's just that I think you should ask for your money back.

Richard (of RBB)