domenica 28 luglio 2024

Nailed it!

 Note: Robert is on church shop duty this morning (yes, in a suit and tie), so is unable to participate in this story.

Peter was pleased to be home. It was a long drive. He rested for a while and then got back to finishing off the basement.

Once that was finished, he poured himself an expensive wine and set about preparing dinner for himself. He decided to go with Red Rasmus on Casmas shoots with a topping of Belgium carrot. He had carefully researched this dish and had written out the recipe (but we won't bore you with that here). It had been quite a task to get the ingredients and he had to order them from overseas, through a site called Posh Fude. He didn't know why 'food' seemed to be spelt incorrectly but decided just to do what he needed to do to get the food.

Red Rasmus on Casmas shoots with a topping of Belgium carrot.

Posh Fude, in its advertising, claimed to deliver its delicacies to anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere but, as it turned out, Peter got a message to say that his 'fude' had been sent to Hamilton. It was a lucky thing that he was driving home from Moera when he got the message.

Peter was proud of his recipe, so he put it up on Neighbour Leigh - a site in Whangarei that was evidently run by a guy called Leigh. No one seemed to notice that, by failing to proofread what he had written, he had left out the second 's' in Casmas. I guess that Casmas shoots weren't a staple in the far north of little old New Zealand. Probably not in Moera either.

Peter decided to settle down with a second glass of expensive wine as he waited for his dinner to cook. He was excited that there might be a blog post in this meal. 

He became aware of a knocking noise outside. He listened carefully while he slurped his wine down faster than he knew he should. It sounded like someone using a hammer. There was a slight metallic sound that suggested a nail was at the end of the hammer swing. He decided to go outside and investigate.

Peter crept out quietly through his back door, taking time to admire his new mat that he had picked up on the way home (The Holey Spirit's mat was still in his car). The sound of a hammer was now very clear. He moved carefully around to the front of his house. Then he saw it!

An old guy, even older than Peter, was hammering a small sign onto the front of his house. It was a bit hard to read in the failing evening light. Then he recognised the hammerer. 

It was Mr. Nailer, his old teacher from 3P! But what was he doing!

Peter introduced himself and invited Mr. Nailer inside for a glass of slightly less expensive wine (a Cleanskin actually). Mr. Nailer explained that he had moved up north some years back and was involved in the Neighbour Leigh website. At Neighbour Leigh, he told Peter, they took proofreading very seriously and had a mission to guide people down the right path. Proofreading was their cause.

He told Peter that he had put up many such signs around Whangarei and it simply read, "Please proofread what you write!" Peter wasn't going to argue with Mr. Nailer. He apologised and said that he would edit his recipe on Neighbour Leigh. He asked Mr. Nailer not to mention the incident to Father Mick Can or Father Piss if he was still in contact with them. He then asked Mr. Nailer to join him for dinner and told him what he was cooking. Mr. Nailer turned down the offer and said that he would pick up some fish 'n chips on the way home. He complimented Peter on his choice of wine and asked him what it was. Peter lied.

10 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I'm sure that there's an old English sheepdog somewhere that might be interested in that post.
Its name is probably Storey.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Now, there you go! That's a good joke!


THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Well, it was woolly, I’ll give you that.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Just popping in to look for my many readers.
Have you seen them? They weren't over at Robert's.

Anonimo ha detto...

Yeah, yeah, we know! They'll all be over at your fence construction post!
You are a posting genius!

Richard (of RBB)

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Thank you.

Anonimo ha detto...

A genius leader, in fact.

Richard (of RBB)

Anonimo ha detto...

Though I am enjoying Robert's parables.


Richard (of RBB)

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I'm not.
Why doesn't he just become a priest?
I'm sure nowadays being in 3P isn't a prerequisite.
They probably accept anyone - even Richard now that he's started to use little heart symbols in his comments.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Look, I'm not making a fuss but it is Wednesday evening and the most recent post on this blog was published on: 'domenica 28 luglio 2024' whatever that translates as.

I'm not grieving or anything although, reading Robert's silly sermons has driven me to re-reading my own old posts.

Is a new post on the horizon? It reminds me of this from Pink Floyd's 'Comfortably Numb' song:

"There is no pain, you are receding
A distant ship smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying"

Either that or this from 'Blue Smoke'.

"Blue smoke goes drifting by, into the deep blue sky
My memories of home, will never die"