lunedì 8 luglio 2024

Double Bass Richard has his say.


"Thanks for the pizza last night, Violin Richard. You're becoming a bit of a Peter! I see Robert wrote a post about us, pity about the grammar in the heading. (The three Richard's.) That's a possessive apostrophe Mr. Carey. The post was a bit overly nice, like Rob was trying to use it to help him get into Heaven. Hey, and what is this Carey thing? Never mind, I think I can work it out.

So, I hear that Violin Richard is off to Whanganui tomorrow. It's good to hear that he will be taking his violin. I've told him to work carefully on Mr. G.P. and Se Solo because it'd be good for us to have a trio rehearsal on those two tunes soon. Violin Richard will be able to eat out in Whanganui, so he won't need to worry about TC's cooking posts. He says that he and his wife might shoot up to New Plymouth, if they've got the energy. They have restaurants there too, so please relax TC. Maybe you can do another shed post?

Okay, sorry TC, I was joking about the shed post. I'm sorry too that I can't think of a good topic for you at the moment. Rugby? No, Carey doesn't like that. "Grown men throwing a ball about." Not bagpipes, please. You've covered stealing hosts. Fighting at tennis? Yep, that's done too. What about winter storms up north?

Oh yes, that topic's done too.

Ah well, just have a quiet time while Violin Richard is away.

Okay. Ciao for now."

10 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Why are you going to Wanganui?
What's in Wanganui (apart for its new 'h')?
If you set off now you might get there by tomorrow afternoon.
Will you be staying in a motel?
Have you warned the proprietors that you will be practising a musical instrument?
Will there be alcohol taken?
I didn't know that there were any Turkish restaurants in Wanganui.
If not then, yes, you'd better go to New Plymouth.
When will you be back?
Will you blog while you are away?
Who will throw that old lady next door's newspaper into the bushes?
Will Robert be going?
Are you going to leave me in blog-land alone with Robert?

So may questions in need of answers.

Yes you may surmise that I'm home alone because Lynn went to Christchurch this morning.

Anonimo ha detto...

Relax, it's only Violin Richard who is going.

Richard (of RBB)

Anonimo ha detto...

AND you're back in the office.

Richard (of RBB)

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Yes, I've already made changes.*

* Note to self: these will have to be reverted in two months time.

Anonimo ha detto...

I understand.

Richard (of RBB)

Anonimo ha detto...

Only a very cruel man would laugh at that because those are the rules.

Richard (of RBB)

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

How fast is God? Hey, I'm not in a hurry and I don't use AI. Fuck that!
Thanks for the thought though.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...


THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Rob Carey imagines angels.
I imagine this is said in heaven from time to time:

Jesus (from the bathroom): “Mum, God’s peed on the floor again”.

Anonimo ha detto...

Ha, ha!

Richard (of RBB)