mercoledì 31 luglio 2024

Richard (of RBB) tries AI.

 Jesus was pissed. Peter, not the blogger but the apostle, checked on him and he just said, "Sheesh!"

"Jish taist goud!"

"Rook," said Jesus, "Eye have a new parabable. Sheessh, I shouldn't iv turned all that wata into whine!"

Peter suggested an early night, but there are no nights in Heaven.

Jesus continued, "There was a wedding an thei ran out of whine. okey dokey, there wer over people starving aslo. I decide to make mor whine. Wat the fuk!


Okay, moving right along...

I'm working on a violin practice task that I've allowed 100 hours of practice to complete.

I won't tell you what it is, so that Rob doesn't give me advice. A task like this takes a lot of concentration and careful planning. Focus is the thing. I don't know how long it will take me to complete this task because I have a pretty busy schedule, but the focus has to come from my viewpoint. I guess it's a bit like The Curmudgeon building a wall on the back of his property, but maybe a little more complicated. 

I'll try to keep you all updated, let's call it Project Violin 100

I have completed the first two hours - only 98 to go!

It's pissing down here.

Off to bed now.

Ciao tutti.

14 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I’d leave Al alone if I were you. He’s obviously bad for you.

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Well, AI wasn't very nice to Jesus, AND it pinched your favourite word. Sheesh!

Anonimo ha detto...

Hey, the comments are starting to roll in here. We'll done Richard (of RBB).

Phillip Edward Nis

Anonimo ha detto...

Yes, AI always looks to me like the first part of that 60s/70s store name - A1 Drycleaning.

Bin Hire

Anonimo ha detto...

Can The The AI The The do drycleaning The The?

The The The Guy

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

If you'd be my bodyguard
I can be your long-lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty, when you call me
You can call me Al

Anonimo ha detto...

That's silly, The The The Guy. Next thing, someone will be comparing me to a male member! 😂

Anonimo ha detto...

Phillip Edward Nis

Anonimo ha detto...

TC is really into lyrics.

Bin Hire

Anonimo ha detto...

Hey, it's really exciting to get ten comments on this post, but where is Angry Jesus?

Richard (of RBB)

Anonimo ha detto...

I'm never far away.

Angry Jesus

Anonimo ha detto...

Wow! That was fast!

Richard (of RBB)

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Yes, I’m sure you’ve heard that a lot.

Anonimo ha detto...

Rob, I thought you were the guy who always saw the happy side.

Angry Jesus