mercoledì 12 giugno 2024

A new Music quiz that everybody can succeed at!

 A blogger, in our little blogging group, complained about my last 'music' quiz, where even a blogger who fancies himself as a musician, only scored 2/7. He also complained about the lack of prizes. The Curmudgeon scored 0/7.


"You get no bread with one meat ball!"

* * *

Okay, there is such a thing as a second chance!

Who can bust this REALLY HARD music quiz?

Whoever can might win a road trip to Singapore!*

Let's get things underway!

1) Which group sang Yellow Submarine?
a) The Beat Alls b) Marcus Welby c) The Beatles d) McDonald Clan

2) The first note in a C major scale is
a) B b) C c) Z d) W

3) Finish the name of this band - The Rolling...
a) Feet b) Stones c) Bowling Balls d) F major

4) How many strings are there on a violin?
a) 57 b) 4 C) 2,203 d) 1

5) A famous rock guitarist - Jimmy...
a) Penis b) Hendrix c) Meturbrusen d) McDonald

6) Name the two colours of notes on a piano
a) pink and blue b) black and white c) green and light green d) pencil sharpener

7) How many frets on a violin?
a) 57 b) none c) trumpet d) 3.234

Good luck to our bloggers Peter and Robert! You can do this!

* own car necessary

7 commenti:

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

No competitors yet?
I hope this quiz is not too hard for Peter and Robert too!

Anonimo ha detto...

Looks like it is.

Richard (of RBB)

Anonimo ha detto...

Results just in - Peter 0/7, Robert 0/7.
No prizes will be awarded.
No certificates will be awarded.

Richard (of RBB)

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Did you get my entry?
I posted it as I thought it would be safer what with all this AI stuff that Robert is using.
I think I got 7/7. You can take that on trust - I was once an altar boy.

Anonimo ha detto...

Let's just count the communion hosts first.

Richard (of RBB)

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

OK, I'll go under the house and check. There should be a few canisters of them along with those old bottles of port I have.

Anonimo ha detto...

Look, we might be able to organise you a certificate. Leave it with me.

Richard (of RBB)