sabato 15 giugno 2024

The Ultimate Certificate - TEST 2

 General Knowledge [remember, no cheating by looking online]

1) How many teeth does an adult dog usually have?

a) 36 b) 42 c) 50 d) 34

2) What is the world's tallest tree?

a) Australian Giant Gum b) Coast Redwood c) Forest Dean Tree d) Amazon Beach Tree

3) How many bones does the adult human skeleton have?

a) around 206 b) exactly 312 c) around 180 d) exactly 192

4) What have scientists discovered, from locks of his hair, made Beethoven go deaf?

a) Orchestras that were too loud. b) Ear damage caused by chemicals that he put in his bath to clean it. c) A form of Venereal Disease. d) Lead in the wine that he drank.

5) Which language is spoken by the most people?

a) Chinese b) Fijian c) English d) Spanish

6) What is the highest rugby score ever recorded?

a) New Zealand 145 - 17 b) Newcastle 156 - 5 c) South Africa 152 - 27 d) Royal Kituro 356 - 3

7) What is the longest penis length ever recorded?

a) 18cm b) 27.8cm c) 48.2cm d) 20cm

Good luck and remember, no looking things up! Be honest! God is watching.

3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...



THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I see that Robert has submitted an entry (one entry per person?) so I guess I'd better give it a go. Mum's not watching anyway.

1) How many teeth does an adult dog usually have? Answer (b)42

2) What is the world's tallest tree? Answer (b) Coast Redwood

3) How many bones does the adult human skeleton have? Answer (a) 206

4) What have scientists discovered, from locks of his hair, made Beethoven go deaf? Answer (d) Lead in the wine that he drank

5) Which language is spoken by the most people? Answer (a) Chinese

6) What is the highest rugby score ever recorded? Answer (e) None of those

7) What is the longest penis length ever recorded? Answer (c) 48.2 cm

As I have a certificate already can I have my prize in cash please?

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Okay, let's see how the boys scored:

Robert 4/7

Peter (who has a tendency to cheat) 6/7

Well done boys! This is a definite improvement!

Peter, your certificate was made by you, so don't even think of a cash payment. The words 'fuck off' would be more appropriate.