giovedì 20 giugno 2024

Judgement Day. Part 1.

 This was the final judgement and all souls had risen from their graves. Cremated souls had been stuck back together.

There were billions and billions of souls all lined up - this was going to take quite a while. Fortunately there is no time in Heaven. Even the good Christian people who had made it in didn't know what time it was. Richard stood in the same group as Peter - it was amazing that they could find each other in this huge, huge, huge crowd. Robert stood among the Catholics, not far from Father Orange and Brother Benedict. Father Minto was nearby too. Rob knew that he should get in (to Heaven) because he had generally followed the rules. He'd also made a bit of a nuisance of himself at church. Parishioners knew him as the guy who sang very loudly but sometimes went into a major key when the song was still in a minor key. Rob didn't think that God would bring that up. Well, that's what he hoped. Who really knows what God is thinking?

The angels stood around like a bikie gang. Instead of patches they wore wings. They looked like they felt entitled. They probably had good reason to feel like that. Peter looked a bit worried because it was obvious that Robert's beliefs had been correct. God / Jesus, well it looked more like Jesus, was standing by his throne like a very stern headmaster. The Holy Ghost was up off the ground and looking like a bird with a light up its bum. All the popes were out there somewhere. Hitler was over in one corner. Peter thought he saw Napoleon. One thing was for sure - a lot of people were going to be in trouble.

To be continued...

6 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I wonder how they reconstituted that guy that went through the wood-chipper in that Fargo film?

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

I think that’s god up there on the left using the Holy Ghost as some sort of spotlight to highlight Jesus on the stage. This is Jesus’s second major event and all three of them are hoping he won’t fuck it up like last time. He was only supposed to make a few speeches and bugger off but instead got himself bloody crucified. Sheesh! It took a lot of clean up activity, spin doctoring and mum o jumbo to sort that out. Thank god, christ and the Holy Spirit that emperor Constantine was on their side.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Quod erat demonstrandum.

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

It's a wonder that Richard hasn't made a joke about Fr Cochem by now.

Anonimo ha detto...

Has Father Cochem met Father Woodcock?

Richard (of RBB)

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

That’s rude Robert.