lunedì 3 giugno 2024

King's Birthday.

 Monday, today, is a holiday for some people. I don't know if cleaners are among those people. I know that supermarket workers are not. 

I went to a jazz jam yesterday. It was fun. I took my violin. Shelley took a couple of pictures of me playing.

That's me on the right.

As far as I know, Shelley has never won any prizes for her photography. Well, I suppose that you can see the top of my violin bow. Her other photo is, let me say, not as good - if a comparison like that is possible.

Though the other guy in
the photo did okay, and
the drummer was in shot.

Maybe, next time, Shelley should take her photos of me from another place in the hall? Just a thought.

There were no comments from either Robert or Peter on my last post. Maybe they'll add a comment or two today? I don't mind though because it means I don't need to feel obliged to comment on their silly posts. Anyway, Robert's comments are usually things like, "Robert smiles." or "Robert breaks wind." Robert has deleted his last few posts - we're left with that nonsense about Saint Michael (he with no penis). I assume that God doesn't have a penis either - hence the need for the immaculate conception. Except for peeing, giving Joseph a penis was a waste of time too. I mean, God did all the 'hard work' for him. 

Shelley wants to go to a movie today. Something about some guy walking a long way in Spain. A female friend of hers said that it was quite moving. Enough to move you out of the theatre? 

Well, that's it from me today.

Ciao tutti.

Remember, mustn't sign off in Latin. That language belongs to 3P guys.

2 commenti:

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

OK, here's a comment to stop you moaning.

I thought that Shelley captured the essence of you quite well in those photographs.

Anonimo ha detto...

I won't ask for an explanation.

I thought you'd like those photos.

Richard (of RBB)